vap oil

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by mason08, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. ok so after a couple days of searching this site and and and i might just be a jackass but i cant find anyone answer on how to clean/harvest the oil out of a vaporizer tube. i got the extreme q vap and btwn me and my bro sharing it everyday its got some resin in there. iver heard iso alcohol, everclear and other shit but can anyone gimme a straight up answer would be much appreciated.

    toke on.
  2. I plug up an end of my whip then fill it with a bit of iso then plug the other end and just swish the iso back and forth in the whip. if you have a plate or a pyrex baking pan you can empty the whip onto it and let the solvent evaporate and smoke the resin thats left
  3. haha alreadyy im a stoner...much appreciated!

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