ok so after a couple days of searching this site and and fuckcombustion.com and i might just be a jackass but i cant find anyone answer on how to clean/harvest the oil out of a vaporizer tube. i got the extreme q vap and btwn me and my bro sharing it everyday its got some resin in there. iver heard iso alcohol, everclear and other shit but can anyone gimme a straight up answer would be much appreciated. toke on.
I plug up an end of my whip then fill it with a bit of iso then plug the other end and just swish the iso back and forth in the whip. if you have a plate or a pyrex baking pan you can empty the whip onto it and let the solvent evaporate and smoke the resin thats left
How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin (Page 1) / General Vaporization Discussion / FC - Vaporizer Review Forum