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Vancouver in April

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by prettybigkat, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Hi all, I will be spending a mother son easter break in vancouver bc. I was wondering since I'm 19 what the best way to score some bud without my mom finding out... I really want to explore all the interesting shops and stuff like that. Any suggestions on what I should see in vancouver. Any bars, or cigar lounges I should visit?
  2. email the potbot at wheretoscoreinvancouver (at), it auto replies. since you're 19, you are legal to drink and get access to all the vapor lounges and cafe's.
  3. If worse comes to worse, try West Hastings in downtown Vancouver near the New Amsterdam Cafe and the Cambie hotel. Went there in the summer and got off a street dealer. Straight up dank though, so you won't have to worry about quality.

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