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Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by kyle187, May 30, 2009.

  1. I have 10mg of diazepam, i'm not that big of a guy, only 150 pounds, so what effects do you think i will achieve? Iv researched it but i just want personal opinions.
  2. 10mg? not much. 20mg? feelin good. its a benzo. you relax and not care about as much
  3. its a benzo youll feel relaxed, sluggish maybe forget a few things, i really dono what your lookin for

    why do people make these threads, a quick google search or even a wiki could tell you tons of info on anything, like diazepam,
    i just really dont see a point of even asking this

  4. Perhaps this may be able to help you

    Erowid Search Results

    Read Experiences.
  5. would it be better if i chewed it up. or just swallowed it?
  6. Chewing it will make it hit you faster but will probably shorten the duration, it's 6 and 1/2 dozen of the other.

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