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Vacationing in a Non-Rec Legal state is stressful

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Enjoyable High, Mar 25, 2024.

  1. Just got back from visiting Gulf Shores, AL; beautiful beaches, ate a lot at the great seafood restaurants, and went on a fine charter fishing trip caught a 21 lb blackfin tuna and a numerous red snappers; normally after such a fine day --if I were back in my residence state that is Rec- legal Id kick back and majorly blaze up after such a fantastic time and max the enjoyment level. However, police and hotel security were constantly patrolling the beach, dock, and other areas. Apparently the local sheriff office has installed what is called Operation Up in Smoke the hotel staff told me. They td me this was due to many complaints about Marijuana smoke around public beaches,, parking lots, and in the cars with kids in there. They notified the beach area public that they will arrest anyone who uses cannabis in the area regardless of the amount. The local folks told me that they arrested a couple from Boston who were smoking herbs on the deck of their private VRBO rental home as well as several people who were blazing at night on the near desolate beach. I had an1/8 of gorilla pie that I brought with me, but only managed to enjoy two brief sessions early in the morning after carefully surveillance bcz I didn't want to risk getting arrested for smoking a joint on vacation, imagine what my employer would do?! I hate that Alabama and Florida are not rec-legal. I hate that some people abuse pot and make it worse for the "responsible cannabist", I hate that I have to pay the cost for others' abuse of pot!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Yeah,people that can't go on vacation without getting stoned are the worst.
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  3. They are abusing power to seek revenue, It shouldn’t be illegal Anywhere. I don’t smoke on vacation because I don’t care for Blunts or joints. Good luck
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  4. *Think you're missing the point here. The issues are 1) harassment crack down on pot smokers, by the po po, 2) caused by the irresponsible use of pot in public places where it is illegal by bad pot smokers who've made it worse for everyone else.

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