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VA Tech Freshman

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by dom420, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. Hey guys

    Im gonna be a freshmen at Tech this fall. Im coming down from Detroit and I've hear mixed things about the green Tech. Anyone that goes to Tech or from the Blacksburg area that can tell me what the ganja situation is down there?

    -Stay Fried.
  2. Here piggy piggy piggy.
  3. Must not be too prevalent if they have gunmen shooting up the campus....
  4. It's college. There will be plenty of ganja.
  5. Been there. Many times. Friends there. Not an issue. And screw that poster about the shooting.

  6. Was waiting for someone to say this.
    Still not cool lol
  7. Was it too soon? Yes.

    Did I laugh? Yes.
  8. Finding green at VT it's pretty easy. Someone is always good. Find people who smoke and they'll probably hook you up with a contact. Everyone is really friendly.

    If you need some help hit me up. Always down to help a fellow Hokie.
  9. my friend was a freshman there last year, he said that everyone makes a pact to only sell mids to freshman. hahah idk if its true but w/e i got some buddies that are also new there this year

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