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UW Medical Bud *Pics*

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by BillyBlunts, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. #1 BillyBlunts, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2008
    Has anybody ever heard of University of Washington experimental medical weed?

    I dont know if it's somethin somebody made up or if the UW actually grew some of the bombest bud i've ever seen because this is some dank.

    The high is straight to the face when you smoke it and it feels like when you first started smoking and used to just get baked off your ass. It's great. I could see how this kind of weed could be grown specifically for medical use because it completely envelops you, when you smoke it you get high.:smoking:
  2. your attachements dont work, so until they do.... i think your lieing :)

  3. While i don't disagree it would make a good medicinal strain, its not like it'd be better than anything else.
    The reason is different strains work for different people. Say that strain is great at pain relief... well a patient might be looking for something with anxiety relieving effects.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    Get dem pictures workin mang!
  4. looks like some medical
  5. #7 s w i s h e r, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2008
    Seen better lookin medical before but that does look fucking dank!:smoking:
  6. i go to uw and i've never heard about this before hahaha
  7. I live in the U-district and have neveeer heard of it.. sounds killer though
  8. I live in Seattle and I've heard of it, but from what I was told it's used to make "medical hash." But I heard this a long time ago.
  9. yea i was gonna say it looks like it can use a little more curing
  10. Yeah, the crop before this was cured longer and it was waay better.
  11. good lookin herb, ill roll up a blunt or 2 n start packin my bong'
    i give it a 8.15/10
  12. bomb... you got the hookup or what? hah :smoking:
  13. looks dank as hell to me.... i've never heard of UW bud though.
  14. Gotta love the porn at the bottom of the pics :p

    Nice looking bud though, regardless if it's actually from UW or not

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