UVB Lights = BETTER Trichomes(higher thc, more potent, the stuff that gets your HIGH)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Creation, May 26, 2011.

  1. I posted a better guide/article in Lighting section, but it needed to be approved by a mod, apparently they dont care because they didn't approve it.. Anyway if you want better buds you need UVB lights, this produces better trichomes, higher thc, and more resin glands. Which means if you want the most out of your buds get same damn UVB lights!! I posted why in the other article.. anyway watch this youtube video and get some uvb lights, I'd say 4-5 hrs in between your lighting cycle would do the trick, i'd keep testing to see what works best.

    Watch this video it goes over everything I posted pretty much and why, UVB IS A MUST NEED GET SOME:

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