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Using vaped stuff for a joint

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by flippyblazer, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. title says it all has anyone done this and does it roll well and did u get a bit of a buzz afterwords?
  2. I heard people will smoke the vaped product as a sleep aid. It not going to get you high but groggy and sedated......It tastes like hell though which is why most people put it into food and eat it instead...
  3. Smoked a J of vaped weed last night after a fresh J of grape ape. It isn't bad, not comparable to dank though, even though it used to be dank lol.
  4. depending on your tolerance and the size of the j you roll, you can def get a nice buzz. before i broke my vape, the vaped weed was a great backup for when i ran out of the good stuff. it also depends on the initial quality of the weed you vape. vaped weed is also a great substitution (imo) for tobacco if youre into rolling spliffs
  5. I frequently roll blunts with vaped weed. I get fairly high off of it, not the same as smoking dank bud but its not bad especially if you're looking to conserve bud. I personally do not think it tastes bad, its not the same as dank but it isn't bad. Could just be the blunt wrap though, not sure how it would taste in a joint.
  6. I make low quality hash with it.
  7. I wouldn't put it in a joint, I'd make a tincture or cannabutter.
  8. I would most likely do this too. :cool:

    But ey... if I was bored Id roll a J of it fpr something to do/smoke.
  9. did it and it was a really good idea feeling a little high going to roll up another one:smoke:
  10. I do it sometimes when I'm running low and I wanna roll something up or make a large bowl. Doesn't taste that bad if you put some kief or green mixed it. Otherwise it's not too amazing. Doesn't get you as high as green would of course.
  11. I sometimes smoke vaped weed when I'm dry. I usually smoke it in a bong though. It gets me high again, but the high doesn't last as long, and it has a shitty taste. All in all, I probably wouldn't recommend smoking it. I usually make some ISO hash out of it or whatever.
  12. this. I do this when im going to a party or something where theres going to be a bunch of friends that always want to be smoked out but never have anything to pitch.

    I mix ~30% AVB and ~70% green bud in a big joint/blunt to pass around. The only people who notice anything is funny are regular smokers who will trade bowls with me later, everyone else gets high all the same while i save the good stuff for myself and the people who can appreciate it.
  13. i have never smoked it after vaping it....but i have made edibles after vaping it and it worked fine and i still got a buz
  14. It would give me headaches the next day after smoking it, so I stopped smoking my vaped weed. I'm just gonna save it from now on and use it to make budder.
  15. Tastes like an elephants asshole.
  16. How? What do you do?
  17. save a few ounces for low quality hash..
  18. i use my shit to make firecrackers

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