Using things like pet hair and mulch from all around

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by MMJ mang, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Basically, we don't wanna introduce bad things to the indoor garden

    My buddy has a fungus knat problem and heard that sand will prevent the larva from laying the eggs, therefore killing them. He ventured out to the local polluted river and dug up some sand that was rather dry cuz most of the sand came from the top layer.

    Would this be safe to use?

    I was reading about Organics in the new Skunk Mag, and they were saying to mulch the top layer of the soil to provide a home out of the light for the Roots, and the Microlife.

    Could this in theory be picked up from the forrest floor in the form of decomposing leaves?

    You wouldn't want a mulch with weed killer in it something to think about

    I saw some mulch like this walking recently, so I went over to the 2" layer of decomposing leaves and peeled it back to reveal some dark dark brown soil like earthworm castings. I picked up a ball of the soil and there were earthworms, little tiny white worms, ants, and a red mite. There were some other wierd bugs as well. My question is...

    Would this be beneficial to add to a tea?

    What about some Fungus rich soil. Can you just walk around till you see a patch of mushrooms, then dig up the soil around the mushrooms and throw it in the tea brewer with some oats, kelp meal and soft or crushed rock phosphate and have a nice fungus Tea? One free of bad things that would hurt the plant.
  2. You're going to transfer all that bacteria, good or bad, into your plants. Not to mention introducing pests that could go unchecked in your grow room. Bringing outside stuff inside is bad. Even going bushwhacking and then rubbing your shirt on the plants can be harmful.

    Sand is cheap and easy to buy. You might have to buy more than you need. Throw extra into your back yard grass. If you want to make a tea, buy the ingredients. The outside soil might be rich, but there is a delicate balance of life outside, the good and the bad are kept in check, that balance dissipates when you bring it indoors. Next thing you know you'll have a persistent problem. I'd vote to buy it all.

    Mushroom Compost is available in some places.
  3. I would stay away from pet hair.. I do make my own compost, from things I find.. Like poo from the zoo, and the trash from the fruit stand..
    I make sure it's completely composted by my worms before use.. If it's completely composted, the bugs jam..

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