Using Simmate For Fertilizer

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Afghan#1, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. #1 Afghan#1, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2009
    Hey guys,

    I was thinking about an organic alternatve to miracle grow that also has plenty of trace elements and minerals and here is what i came up with.


    The foam in the collection cup is pure DOC (dissolved organic compounds) skimmed out of a saltwater aquarium and full of nitrates and phosphates.It also skims trace elements out of the water.

    If you don't have an aquarium with a skimmer you could easily get it for free from your local fish store.

    I thought if i mixed that into a gallon of water it would make a perfect fertilizer.What do you think?
  2. It sounds like it would be really awesome, as long as it isn't salty...
    Is that stuff salty?
  3. I dont know what kinda of tank you have. (fish, coral, both) But is been my experiance that the ph is why to high and the salt levels will be out of controll. Long term use can be detramental to health of your soil. Salt build up.

    keep'em Burning
  4. Use fish emulsion for fert. You will kill your plants if you use stuff from a tank.
  5. The foam does have residual salt in it,but very small amounts.If dilluted in a gallon of distilled water it would'nt be any higher than using tapwater.Just packed full of DOC.I have no idea how hot it would be,since most of the DOC would come from meaty fish foods.Something i would like to experiment with in the future on some of my runt tomato plants.

    I know a lot of people that grow mangrove seedlings in their refugium.I always wanted to experiment with trying to acclimate a marijuana plant to grow in salt water.
  6. You would have to be breeding for that through several several generations. For them to be mildly salt resistant,

    Genes and salt tolerance: bringing them together. [New Phytol. 2005] - PubMed Result
    Acta Horticulturae
    Researchers announce breakthrough on salt-tolerant crops - by James M. Taylor - Environment & Climate News
  7. Yes, grind up your aquarium fish to make it.
  8. HeeHee

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