Using sand ontop coco for Fungus Gnats

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by masterlights, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. I read in a book that topping your pots with sand will help fight off fungus getting really tired of them and it just seems like their multiplying quick.
    ive got yellow sticky traps everywhere and even use a product called gnatrol when it gets really bad.

    anyone try this method?? especially with coco.does sand f' up coco's ph or anything or should it be ok to use with it.i guess with sand they cant burrow under to lay their larvae.ive researched that once their flying their only mission is to lay eggs and they can lay thousounds of them.
  2. Check this out. It basicaly tells you everything you just said. took 30 seconds of searching. Fungus gnats/fert.
  3. sweet.thanks for the link.gotta get me some building sand now.
  4. i just picked up some of the white sand from home more question though

    would the sand have any pos or neg affect when watering the coco..since the water goes through the sand first???

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