Using only power generators for grow op?

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by squidharth, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. is this even possible and if so what would be needed to make it happen captain?
  2. a shell gas card thats not in your name to start...

    sounds $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  3. Of course it would be possible, but I don't think it'd be economical. First off, you'd have to have a decent generator, one that would pretty much have to constantly run during the entire grow. The cost of fuel alone would be expensive, not to mention having to supply the fuel to the gen., maintenance on it as well.

    I feel the only reason this would be feasible or even necessary would be in a remote location, off the grid.
  4. They both answered your question pretty much right on.
    We have gens to use if we need to, but I wouldn't even think of running off them all the time.
    Fuel would make it not worthwihile.
    A nat. gas gen might not be too bad...but they are costly to buy and install.

  5. Using generators as your main power source would not only be way too expensive, but also way too loud -- you would attract attention.
  6. Gas power generators wouldnt work but if you lived near a nice river, you could rig up a genator powered by the river

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