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using medical marijuana and brewing employed

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Mrstoner337, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. I am currently interested in moving to california. I was wondering if anybody knows the policies on employers in the state if they have any issues with medicinal patients and drug testing for thc? Thank you.
  2. Title should say "being" employed not "brewing" lol
  3. Bump. Any info on this matter?
  4. You have NO LEGAL PROTECTION in California! Your boss can test you and fire you if you test positive.

    We had a bill to protect MMJ users, but that a-hat governor Arnie refused to sign it- the hypocrite!

    So every working MMJ user in California lives in fear of a drug test- me included!

  5. Does any state have protection for mmj users?

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