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Using marijuana as a teacher?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by foxyaardvark27, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. I am wondering about people's opinions on something: I have recently begun vaping weed every night. It really helps me relax and provides good pain relief for my nerve pain and back problems. I recently began student teaching for my bachelors in teaching degree. I am somewhat concerned about my memory being sharp enough the morning after smoking. Do people think that I will be able to teach effectively after vaping one bowl the night before? i would never go to work stoned because i know that would be ludicrous. I am just curious how people feel about the severity of the memory reduction the day after. Should I try and quit or continue using responsibly?

  2. i dont think smoking a bowl the night before will affect your ability to teach the following morning. i say continue using responsibly. 
  3. #3 Nerd139, Jan 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2014
    I have memory problems when high so I avoid studying and if I am told anything important I make a quick note by writing it down on a peice of paper or on my computer. If I already know information I have no memory problems usually. I just find it hard to retain things while high. Everyone is different though. This is just my experience. 
    You will have no problem getting up and teaching the next day if you smoke the night before. The high will have worn off by then. You could vape a couple bowls if you wanted too.
    Be sure you get a job in a county where they dont drug test.
  4. My cousin is a teacher and she said smoking doesn't affect her work
  5. Nothing coffee can't fix in the AM....Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. Lol. I use to sell weed to my teachers. I think your good.
  7. This right here, kill any groggyness with coffee!
  8. for me, I have memory issues while I am high, and i may not remember things that happened a few hours prior to me getting lit. i usually remember 40% of what I did while high and forget it, but the next day I am sharp and i never notice memory issues.. 
  9. #9 Percblazer, Jan 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2014
    I'm in school to be a teacher and I have no problem even teaching while stoned. I smoked a couple bowls with my friends before class not realizing that we were going to be going to an elementary school and teaching a lesson to the kids. It was pretty fun high, and I got an A for it. So I don't think you should have a problem doing it the night before.

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