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Using lecithin in making Canna-Oil more potent

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Mushroomsyo, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. I'm making some canna-oil with BadKat's guide, and I was told to use powdered lecithin in the process. The thing is, I can't seem to find it powdered here in my area, and I don't want to order it online.

    But I can find the liquid gel lecithin capsules at Walmart. So can I maybe break these open and pour all the liquid from a dozen pills or so in after decarbing my bud?

    Thanks for help everybody
  2. Bump.? I'm makin these brownies tomorrow so I need to know lol
  3. As far as i know this wont make it more potent...
    Just make normal medicated brownies.
  4. #5 jkcole, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
    No dont use the liquid lecithin. It was hard for me to find it as well, without ordering it online.

    They will have it at a vitamin shoppe, GNC, or any store like that. It is hard to find powdered but they will have granules which will do just fine.

    [quote name='"Skunk Dank"']As far as i know this wont make it more potent...
    Just make normal medicated brownies.[/quote]

    And as for this, you must have missed some reading in your research if this is what you know.

    Lecithin will in fact make your oil or butter more potent. It is actually a noticeable difference between lecithin oil and one without.

    I wont make edibles anymore, unless i have soy lecithin on hand. It has that much of an impact on the potency, and will stretch out the amount of doses you get.

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