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Using iPod earphones as a screen.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mcoogle, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. #1 Mcoogle, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    I found a broken pair of iPod headphones and decided to remove and keep the metal screen from the earpiece and throw away the rest (plastic)... is it dangerous to use the screen when smoking, because it's metal?

  2. Don't do it, I'm pretty sure that isn't safe to smoke. Probably plastic and who knows what else in it.
  3. Who knows what they have been treated with....
  4. Bump.... I don't have a screen(but do have old ipod headphones) and was going to make a homemade bong tonight... If anybody could enlighten us more on the topic it would be greatly appreciated
  5. i would soak it in rubbing alcohol, then wash it throughly. just a thought.
  6. i dont see anything bad with using them but anyways just buy some screens
  7. The ipod headphones have a thin layer of plastic coating on the metal screen. Don't do it.:bolt:
  8. Dude spend less than 5 bucks at your local smokeshop and get a pack of screens
  9. lol...i tried it once.
  10. i'd put it over a flame for a sec and if i smell plastic then fuck em, if not then go for it. the only other issue i see is that's really thin metal and might just fall apart under enough heat
  11. couldnt you theoretically melt the plastic off first then?
  12. Why would you even risk your health breathing in more crap than what you're already are breathing when you can pay 80 cents for a glass screen? A couple bucks for real copper screens?

    I know everyone wants to be McGyver but seriously...
  13. Don't do it, go to a head shop and buy a 50 cent pack of screens(50 cents for a 10 pack where I am).
  14. My friends and I "sanitize" our screens by grabbing them with tweezers and torching em. Once there's no smell anymore, I know that there's nothing there that would burn if I smoke with em.

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