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Using Hash in brownies..?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Herb Pheonix, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. Yea?


    If you can do this.. how?

    Not weed bronies..

    Hash Brownies..

    Thanks GC.
  2. If it's not pressed yet you can just sprinkle it in to the batter, mix well, and bake. This is actually my favorite way to make brownies.
  3. It is the same glandular material that is on the plant, and as such, you need to process it the same way. :)

    It must be activated, then broken down in a pure oil source (or other edible solvent.. but in the
    case of brownies, oil) in order to use your material as efficiently as possible.

    Cannabis glandular material is very difficult for the body to absorb, all on its own.. even after it has
    been activated, and even when it has been extracted and broken down into a
    sticky-gooey concentrate.

    The specific edible solvent and oil you choose, also directly impacts the quality of your
    edible, it even directs and determines the areas within your body, where absorption can take place....

    Coconut oil is one of, if not the best oil that you could use, clarified butter is also very good.
    They contain high amounts of MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) and SCT (short-chain
    triglycerides), which, particularly in coconut oil, are rapidly and readily absorbed through the portal
    vein and in the liver, where your cannabinoids can be converted and passed through to the blood
    stream, in a now-more-powerful form. Coconut oil has an MCT content of over 68%, and MCTs do
    not require bile salts for absorption, this can be a crucial point for some patients. They absorb
    almost as rapidly as glucose, to provide a faster, more intense onset, when you need your meds to
    kick in quick and effectively.

    The long-chain triglycerides found in corn oil, olive oil, canola oil, and other common
    supermarket (usually bargain-cost) oils, are absorbed lymphatically, which bypasses the liver,
    and comes close to eliminating most of your liver conversion. And if your organs or your digestion
    happens to be distressed in any way, these are the fats that are most likely to be discharged and
    absorbed the slowest, which decreases the intensity of your onset, reduces the overall sensation
    and leaves more material to be 'passed' without any absorption at all.

    I've whipped up a little diagram, to help explain how your oil source makes a direct
    , on the route of cannabinoid absorption


    Your oil, is your 'edible solvent', the glandular material is your solute, when broken down properly
    you have a solution that is formed in such a way when the solvent creates a thin encapsulative
    effect around the miniscule and broken down particles of solute, in this case it is a particular oil
    source, that is coating glandular material in the form of various cannabinoids and terpenes.

    With that coat, it directly effects the direction your cannabinoids will be absorbed.

    Cannabis glandular material is notoriously difficult to absorb all on its own, even when it has been
    activated, even when it appears sticky or gooey in the form of a concentrate.

    Picture it, instead of slipping in and through, for the most part bouncing off cellular walls on
    impact. Once it has been coated in a certain oil source, on impact with a particular cellular
    wall, it will now slip right through almost effortlessly.
    And it will take a different route, choosing different areas of absorption, depending on the qualities
    of the oil you used to coat it...


    (If you are not a medical patient, or if you're not interested in achieving the strongest sensation, this may not interest you...)

    If it bypasses the liver, this could be good if you had not eaten in many hours, and if your liver
    was very hungry and about to burn off your potency.
    But if your liver was satisfied and you wanted to feel the benefit of the cannabinoid conversion
    (from active D9-THC, to very-active 11-OH-THC, which is according to some specialists between 3
    to 5 times more powerful in effect than D9-THC), you would not want your oil to cause the
    majority of your potency to bypass your liver.

    Most patients seeking more intense pain relief and sedation, along with the array of other
    medicinal benefits of cannabis (and most people using cannabis recreationally [​IMG] )
    will want to use a high content MCT oil to avoid bypassing the liver, in order to
    encourage a good amount of conversion.

    This is why some edibles kick in harder than others, and sometimes a small meal a few hours in
    advance helps, or (in the case of long-chain lymphatic absorption, bypassing the liver)
    doesn't make much difference at all.

    Whether you prime your liver with a meal or not, if you're bypassing it for the most part with LCTs,
    there will be very little effect because you're not going to burn off or convert many
    cannabinoids, they will remain in their current form as they enter the blood stream lymphatically,
    similar to a slower-paced sublingual absorption with reduced length of effect, and without
    becoming more potent in the liver.

    When you use a quality oil source, and process your herb properly, a person of any level of health
    will have improved sensation and absorption. [​IMG]
    But improvements will be noticed especially in those people who (unknowingly, even)
    have digestive difficulties. It's crucial that the oil be processed well, and in such a way that works
    with and not against your condition.


    To learn how to make this (or your trimmings...)


    Into, this...


    See the link below:

    (First Page, contains detailed information on decarboxylation, or cannabinoid conversion..
    decarboxylation is the process of activating your cannabinoids 'potency' by removing the
    carboxyl group in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapor, converting your cannabinoids
    from their acid, to their more potent delta forms):

    Photo Tutorial: Highly Activated Med Grade Bioavailable Canna & Hash Oil, Edibles, Drinkables and more...

    The best oils, produce little to no odor during processing, if sealed properly and heated
    and cooled correctly. You can easily put it in any boxed brownie mix... be sure to read the
    final paragraph for detailed dosage information.


    That's the canna oil recipe, it is very similar to the hash oil recipe; the first few pages of the above
    link, focus specifically on using hash...

    (photo excerpts, from the above-linked tutorials...)









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