Using bong water to water plants

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by BrainMedicine, Dec 6, 2009.

  1. Do u think it would work, i dont see why not. I wouldnt water marijuana plants with bong water just plants around the house. It was just a thought while being high :smoking:

    What u guys think?
  2. I don't think so.
  3. Why not? It's still water. It's probably just less healthy.
  4. wouldn't that just make the plants smell like bong water?

  5. Creativity at it's finest.
  6. hahahaha thanks, idk i thought it was a badass idea, but then i started to think bong water smells like shit and it stains the carpet. Why would it be good for plants?
  7. You should do an experiment. Start 2 plants at the same time, with the same amount of nutirents and light, water one with tap or regular water, and the other with bong water, see which one grows the best?
  8. Im thinkin someone saw Scary Movie 2
  9. Considering bong water is all the shit from the smoke you don't want going in your lungs i doubt you'd want it going in your plants.
  10. This thread is useless haha why would you want to water your plants with bong water? Underage much?
  11. It would probably just smell really terrible, and then for your reward it would probably mould over as well. So it's a nice mess to clean up and enjoy the scent. Oh, and your plant would probably die.
  12. lol my friend told me his brother water his plants with bong water he sed it makes it potent, but thats just my friend though, i mean shit its just water, how bad can it be?
  13. I guess it really depends. If its fresh and just used once, it'd probably be fine - but still would smell a bit. Old bong water (which I never get cause I clean mine every time) would be bad because its stagnant and holds all the old bud. It gets bacteria etc. which is bad for anything...

    There is no point to doing it though, just don't.
  14. ur plants getting keif, hurray. weed dream to b tree.
  15. ok so i water this plant thats outside with bong water and an hr later of being in full sunlight, it smelled like shit; so bad i could smell it from 4ft away.
  16. You should try that
  17. The water in your bong is meant to clean your smoke. You're putting all that shit into your plants. That's not going to be good.

    If you're growing weed, it's probably going to throw off your PH level too.
  18. Bong water filters out some tar and cannabanoids, and i wouldn't want any tar near my babies...

  19. Exactly.

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