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using bong as steamroller.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by foamyys, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. So yeah. has anyone else tried this? I smoked two bowls without any water to experiment with taste and potency-I DO believe i got higher than normal.
  2. Why, just why?
  3. Well the whole aspect that makes the steam roller a steam roller is the large carb hole so the smoke hits you super fast all at once. A bong's hole is to small to be considered a steam roller. Go buy yourself a fat steamroller.
  4. I didn't mean to disrespect bong etiquette, lol, ijust wanted to see how it would go. Frankly, it was only a bit harsher and zero drag is not something to be taken lightly.
  5. You can dry hit any bong, it's the basic concept of bowl, carb, intake. I don't see why you can't just hit it dry. :confused_2:
  6. seems to me that i get way more rips if i dry hit it.
  7. I would have to say pulling out the slide is far more effective than any steamroller carb hole. So your argument is useless.

    It's all about preference OP.
    some people enjoy filtered smoke.
    Some people prefer steamrollers.

    Bongs are certainly healthier.
  8. What's the point of using a bong if you aren't even going to put water in it.

  9. He explained mannn
  10. But the whole purpose behind buying a bong in the first place is so that the smoke can travel through the water and cool, if you're going to use it as a steam roller then just buy a steam roller.
  11. Face palm

    Go buy a steamroller

    Unless you have a shitty Chinese bong, that water would not hinder performance in any way. Drag is close to zero with a one perc bong. Water cools the smoke down so your cilia in your lungs don't get fried.
  12. How is it a facepalm? My bong is thick glass with ZERO percs and it still has drag. I smoked it without water one time, and realized there actually is a noticable 'clear-time' reduction, even on an 18 inch tube.
    To clarify, I don't smoke it without water on the reg.
  13. I've done this on accident a few times....

    don't do it

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