Actually just replied to someones thread about this earlier and until today i never really even thought about it. I know bamboo looks just like MJ and probably has similar heat sigs on FLIR. My questions are as follows: 1) The shoots. They're insane, thats really the only way to describe how fast they grow. Would the sharp, thin shoots go right through the roots of your plant without harming them? or tear 'em to peices? 2) Would any passing helicoptors (police or not) find anything unusual about a sea of green bamboo in upstate NY? seems to be ALOT more helicoptor traffic over my field since last season, but i could just be paranoid. Thanks for the feedback guys.
Why use plants that look like MJ to plant around MJ? It may cause the guys in the air to hone in on that particular area. Just plant in areas where MJ compliments the area foliage and do not plant many in one spot. A rule of thumb is 5 or less plants in a particular area. If you are that afraid of someone spotting your grow just place a few trail/game cameras in the area and review the SD card on said cameras before approaching your spot. If someone has discovered your spot walk away-- never go back. I use to worry about black helicopters and air planes. I now use trail cameras and common sense (no more than 5 plants per spot, no trash left behind, and no trails to/from your site, etc., etc.). Hope this helps.
Bamboo grows fast and is usually pretty thick. Almost no sunlight reaches the ground beside my porch. The ground stays pretty moist and is almost mud. So might not be the best idea to mix it in.
Yeah, bamboo is a bitch and will overgrow anything near it. The roots travel far and long underground and can even fuck up your plants at a distance. The stuff in my yard is a nightmare to keep back. Plus it's a huge magnet for mites aphids and other annoyances.
If you have stinging nettles near you they make great cover. Grow at pretty much the same rate and look similar just less branchy.
I do actually, quite an abundance, I'll keep it in mind. gunna be a hassle getting to my plants though no? Oh and there smack dab in the middle of about 80 acres of open field. Even though they do get pretty high, you think this will be sufficient camo? im looking for something thats going to throw off FLIR more than anything, these coptors flying over are really starting to bug me out.
I do it all the time, much easier than thorn bushes. Just need some thick clothes, gortex is good for going through thorns as they glance off rather than sticking in. Not sure on the FLIR thing, I would have thought most plants would show up fairly similar as it only picks up on heat, I think a lot of that is scare stories to put people off anyway but maybe that's because I'm from the UK where the police can barely afford helicopters.
yeah fuck thorns man i can't stand them. but the nettles your talking about get real tall with thousands of spines and purple flowers right?
They grow up to about 4-5 feet. I'd say if the plants are dotted about rather than in one big clump the choppers are gonna have a hard time finding them.
woah thats not what i have, that looks like catmint almost, i have monster 8-9 foot plants that are hollow stemmed, covered in MEAN spines and have purple flowers
Found it on google, it's called a common teasel, iv'e got a huge grove of them that might be good for camo, they get pretty tall and dont really have leaves to block the sun.
good call that is what it is, my bad. it's honestly my worst enemy around here, but you think they make for good cover?
You don't need to plant any cover, use what's there. Are you gonna water those extra plants too? Not a good plan. This is never done by experienced growers.Good spots are in full sun not behind bamboos or other plants.
oh i have no intention of watering them haha, i can't stop them as it is. but i've pretty much scrapped the bamboo idea considering the feedback from more experienced growers. im just worried about the choppers, theres a thru-way located right over the hill infront of my house, and im positive the police are using choppers to monitor the speed of cars and such, theres actually a sign that says they do, and i HAVE noticed alot more air traffic recently.
[quote name='"ThEbLuEMaGoO"']oh i have no intention of watering them haha, i can't stop them as it is. but i've pretty much scrapped the bamboo idea considering the feedback from more experienced growers. im just worried about the choppers, theres a thru-way located right over the hill infront of my house, and im positive the police are using choppers to monitor the speed of cars and such, theres actually a sign that says they do, and i HAVE noticed alot more air traffic recently.[/quote] I always start noticing more air traffic when I'm growing. Not because there actually is more traffic, but because I start paying more attention, haha. I freaked out about helicopters my first couple grows. But now I know they don't usually waste their resources to bust someone growing a couple plants. Just don't go overboard and you should be ok.
thanks for relieving some stress haha, i think i found the best spot around anyway, i mean i have 105 acres to work with but most is open field. i found a beautiful spot, full sun all morning and most of the afternoon (until about 6), opposite side of the property as last year, and plenty of over head cover. now all i have to worry about is rabbits, deers and turkies tearing up my girls, but that comes with the experience. on that note, does human hair work as well as i've been hearing? if so im gunna be offering the family free haircuts lol.