I've been making BHO for several years now. I have never seen anyone else suggest, or use a crockpot but I don't see why not. Esp if it has multiple low settings to keep it from getting too hot. No flame so no risk of combustion. My product tends to vary from hard to scoop liquid shatter to easily scooped up crumble, even on same heat setting. Havnt quite figured out why it does that yet. I evaporate all the liquid prior to turning it on, and I only use a low setting. I assume it's about 115 to 120 degrees which is slightly over the desired temp, but I've not had any major issues. My end product taste fine, just wish I could figure out how to make specific textures (shatter honey crumble). Wondering if anyone had any advice on this. Thanks
I use an electric crock pot for making Cannabis-butter. It works great for this purpose. I also have a still that I use to make corn whiskey. I have been thinking of using some whiskey for extracting oil from my next harvest. My primary hesitation is that when done I will have to evaporate off all the whiskey. I have used whiskey to extract oil before, but then we drank it, and omg that is a nasty flavor. To drink enough to get high, you have drank so much whiskey that your drunk.