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Uses for vaporized weed?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by FaaipDeOiad, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. So i just got a fuji vap, which works awesome btw for any curious parties. Anyway, after vaping im left with a ton of brown nasty pot, anything its useful for? cooking maybe?

    my friends told me to sell it to stupid people as schwag :eek: ...fuckin hustlers right?
  2. you can make edibles
  3. how effective is it? would you recommend making cannabutter?
  4. I never tried but I do know that there is enough THC left to make them and really what else would you do with it because if you sell it then chances are they are going to come back pissed off
  5. You could use it to make hash. I'd say it has to have around to same amount of THC as stems/trimmings. But maybe not.
  6. I used to make firecrackers with it. Works like a charm and the high lasts for hours and hours haha.

    Then I clued in and realized because it's already been vaped, it does not need to be re-heated (in my experience)

    I eat the stuff as is. Just grab a big pinch and drop it in your mouth, then I drink something and gulp it all down. A couple of "handfuls" and I'm ready for takeoff :) Tastes nasty, but gets me good and stoned :) I've learned to drop it, drink and swallow it in a way where I barely taste it now.
  7. Oooers, I bet THAT'S a delightful taste...
  8. You can make edibles with it quite easily.
    [ame=]YouTube - How To Make CHRONIC BROWNIES from VAPORIZED BUD - 26 Grams from a Vapor Brothers Vaporizer[/ame]

    I can attest to how potent they are...after a half brownie and 1 vaped bowl I was gone for a good 5 hours. (Keep in mind the brownies take ~1.5 - 2 hours to fully kick in)

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