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Uses for lose crystal??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TMNToker, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. I looked around and didn't see anything relating to this but If I'm wrong I apologize. Smoked the last of my stash last night and have a shit ton of crystal and went to buy more bud today and my guy is dry :( sad panda. What can I do? Any method you fellow tokers use to smoke straight crystal? best way? worst way? any way? Quick responses are appreciated, wanna get this mofo rolling :)

    Peace GC
  2. Like kief?

    You can just pack it in a bowl and smoke it if you have a good amount. It will be very harsh though, so hit slowly.
  3. Get a bong and pack the hole in the bottom of the slide with ash. Cover that with the crystals and rip. Be careful though I've actually seen someone puke from these rips as they are so harsh. You get baked as hell though.
  4. Be careful not to just burn the kief away. When you put the flame next to keif, without touching it, you should see it start to melt/ smolder. Just keep pulling until you get a lil cherry. Make sure you have a screen though, and you pack it in tight or else you'll just pull it all through into your utensil.
  5. Thanks guys, this was what I was thinking but I wasn't sure If anyone had found a better method, toke on my friends :) If there's anyone else that would like to add some ideas/methods I'm sure me and others would appreciate it.

  6. same as everyone else said, just make sure there is something over the hole (screen, lil piece of spare bud, something) so you dont just pull all that keify goodness into your bong water or something. Pull slow, dont tourch the bowl, you probly dont even need to put the lighter directly on it, happy tokin:smoking:
  7. Regular way: straight smoke it
    Best way: press it into hash (provided you have some sort of press)
  8. Get a screen and pack a small bowl, smoke will be harsh a shit though! Also slowly pull the flame toward the kief until it starts to melt, don't torch the bowl!

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