Useing a battery as a power source

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Pupa Bagoonta, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Hey guys, recently i had an indoor grow going in my back shed untill my jackass friend decided to call my house and tell my mom i was growing, and on top of that his friends came on my property and fuckin curb-stomped my plant. So i replanted it and its coming out of it. But since my mom is suspicous of me growing in my shed ive decided to move it outdoors, its way down back kinda in the woods. But my question is, is it possible to use a car/tractor battery as a power source? Since the plants to far away to run a drop cord to it i was thinking that i would set up a little shed in the woods and use a car battery as a power source. If this is possible, what would i need to connect a light to the battery?
  2. Don't know if that would work.

    Not saying it's impossible.

    Just highly improbable.

    May I just suggest waiting until you get a crib of your own? :smoking:
  3. Why would you want a light outside? To make the plant easier to find for your mom? Oh duh little shed. Ok well that would be a bit conspicuous too. I'd say either leave it outside and hope for the best or not do it at all. Sooner or later they will find it.

    DP I think I'm accidentally stalking you.
  4. No, no one ever goes back this far. My parents never go back there and never have. When i say nerver have i mean the entire time ive lived here ( 5 years). And if this is possible please let me know, and also what i would need to convert a light to the battery.
  5. I'm no electrician, but some kind of transformer would be needed. They make these things for cars where you plug it into the cigarette lighter and the other end has a 120v household outlet, if you can find a heavy duty one that'd work. Then you just have to worry about how fast this battery is going to die out... Unless you're running LED's whatever battery you use will not last. I'm sorry man but this is not your answer. Why not just hide the plants outdoors in the woods if no one goes back there? I saw these things in the store the other day that ward off deer by scent, last a whole year.
  6. Won't work or not for long enough. Not at all practical.
    I'd start by whoopin some ass on the jackass 'friend' who called your mom and the guys who stomped the plant.
  7. #7 chemicalcomfort, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2008
    ya dude you're never gonna be able to reliably rig some lights outdoors. Not without some major cash and a generator. You messed up your first grow by telling people in the first place. Secondly you're growing in your parents house. That's just not a smart way to go about it. Are you prepared for the worst case scenario where both your parents are hauled away to jail for growing marijuana? Wouldn't be the first time i've heard of that happening.

    Just wait until you're out on your own and you can be as do as you want in your own place. Also, next time, DON'T TELL ANYONE!!! You could seal your place up like fort knox. Still wouldn't be as good as if no one knew.

  8. Definitely.
  9. Wont work you will be constantly having to charge the batteries.

    If it's in a shed off the beaten path without electricity just put a clear corrugated roof on it and use it as a greenhouse.
  10. Ya my only problem is the charge on the battery. But the only reason i want to put lights on it is cuz its getting late in the year and it grows alot faster under lights then just out in the sun. And im not stupid for telling my "jackass" need to read my other thread about all that. But thanks for the input, i guess il leave it outside. The plant is already about a month and a half old, so im wanting to start flowering it now. Are the days already short enough for it to start flowering?
  11. he is a friend now, just wait until something happens and you are no longer friends.

    If you stick the plant outside now it will slowly start to flower.
  12. could you use like a deep cycle marine battery and keep it on a charger? dont know how long that would last though.

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