USED roor price...need help

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by cnguyen80, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. how much would you pay for a USED roor? it is a 7mm beaker with a flame polish label. It is 18" tall and comes with a roor downstem only. How much would you guys pay for it? thanks.


  2. Id pay 200 tops but its probably worth more like 300.
  3. At a "popular UK retailer" right now, there is a 7mm beaker/ flame polish logo Roor, 18" tall, listed at $575.

    I don't know if the tube you're looking at is the same one, but the descriptions match. Do you know if this is a US or German Roor?

    When I find glass that I like, and it's local, undamaged and relatively clean ... if I can get it for 75% of retail+shipping, I think it's a deal.
  4. i dont know if it is German or US made. It has the signature on the front, above the joint. Not on the side. Not sure if that means anything. anyone else with their opinion?
  5. I have a 5mm custom .de beaker with flame polished logo / colored mouth piece etc and paid about $320 (it was £195 but thats with a big discount) new so id say about 250 for a used 7mm?
  6. I'd say mid 200.
  7. thanks for the input guys, bought it for $200. looks great. thanks.
  8. didnt know roor ever put the sig on the front. Can we get some pics ?
  9. I'm no expert on this by any means, but my guess would be that if it looks like the blower fucked up a little, then its probably a fake.
  10. Not at all, I have seen lots of genuine Roors with slight flaws here and there. Roor .de also sell off a lot of their flawed pieces cheaper...if you go to the Amsterdam roor shop you can get some proper deals

    Lots of .de models (including all of mine) have the sig on the front above the joint, not the side
  11. good to know thanx. I have a American roor so its on the side. Wish i had a .de dosnt matter though as it still get me ripped. :hello:
  12. here are some pictures....the label is slightly off to the left a little. Real or Fake ROOR? thanks.

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