USA's attempt at perpetual imperial longevity

Discussion in 'Politics' started by since93, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. No nation, empire, etc has been able to stand against time...each and every top power of historical times have given way to other powers.

    And now it the USA's turn to try and defy fate...
  2. Try and defy fate? You seen the United States' national debt?

    U.S. National Debt Clock

    We're not paying it off, ever. Plain and simple, game over.
  3. lol those are just numbers! they dont really mean anything

    you need to learn how politics work sonny ;)

    In the word don't, the apostrophe stands for an 'o', to make 'do not'. Same for isn't, can't and we're. The apostrophe drops a vowel from two conjoined verbs/nouns to shorten them to one word.

    The flip side of this is that when we apply it to proper nouns - "Henry's a great bloke", "The Earth's going to explode!", "The zoo's got an amazing collection of sloths" - then it's very easy to confuse it with the apostrophe-position signifying ownership - "I just stole Henrys' surfboard", "We are the Earths' children", "The house in the sloths' enclosure reeked of shit."

    If we are shortening two words into one word, we put the apostrophe somewhere inside the word, replacing the vowel that we're dropping. If we are signifying ownership, as you were doing when you wrote "And now it is the USAs' turn to try and defy fate" (the USA possesses the 'turn') then the apostrophe must go AFTER the final letter of the word.

    It's confusing, I know. Henrys is Henrys, it's pronounced the same when you say it - but whether it is written Henry's (Henry IS) or Henrys' (belongs to Henry) hugely alters the meaning of the sentence.

    Remember this lesson well young grasshopper! :D
  5. Save America

    [ame=]YouTube - Pabst Blue Ribbon Commercial[/ame]
  6. Incorrect?

    He did it right...

    The only reason an apostrophe would go after a word is if it is possessive and plural, and even then it isn't always. If you are talking about Henry's baseball it is still Henry's. However if the baseball belongs to Henry's team it would be the teammates' baseball. It would be the boys' baseball. But it would be the children's baseball because children doesn't end in s but is still plural.

    It's confusing, I know. Henry's is never Henry is. The only reason I know this is because I took Latin for a couple of years and declining nouns is actually very similar to English as far as plural and possessive are concerned and it reinforced my original education. This is a good website to help understand.

    Plural and Possessive

  7. #8 skimFL, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    nah our country is full of dumbasses and it shows.... were going down the toilet and will continue to, because most of our population struggles with easy shit like y=mx+b , and "where is panama located?" or "what country is to our north?" or just simple reading.. ive asked 5 friends about Egypt 2 knew what i was talking about, they were more worked up on meaningless shit.. our country fights over 'IS OBAMA MUSLIM OMFG" whooooo the fuck cares if he is muslim, what does that have anything to do with anything! our nation is full of dumbfucks.. the smart people are gonna get out, the dumb people are gonna stay.. its as simple as that.. I have to say from what ive seen in highschool our generation is screwed, kids are more into being bad bitches and hardasses then actually making a difference in anything.. we are going to continue to fall, until our people start to develop common sense and see the bigger picture.. dont get me wrong america has tons of smart people that are informed and level headed, but they are outnumbered.. and then the people who are considered good in our society, are ussually dumbfucks who obey everything and just claim to be smart.. and NO im not claiming to be a genious, im just saying ive seen the bigger picture and use common sense in my decisions which is something most of our country doesnt do.. like in America you say to a random person "Antarctica is melting and will raise sea levels" they will say something like "man fuck the ice, i dont give a fuck bout no ice melting".......... just shit like that is why we as a nation struggle... seriously lack of common sense is what has brought our nation to shit, and on top of that we are so diverse no one agrees with anyting.. you find large groups of our population disagreeing with something just because they dont like what group of people came up with the idea.... idk if its like this everywhere, but im gonna travel the world and find out.. i just know if the world is like America shits fucked, everyday of my life when i talk to some types of people i just cant get over the face how close minded they are.
  8. I don't think we'll defy fate. We may delay it a bit though. :(
  9. GodDAMN! Just as I was getting all settled in to begin my reign of terror as the residential grammar Nazi... ready to pounce, mercilessly as a shark ripping into a screaming baby seal, upon every and all grammar mistakes, leaving only trembling, barely living shells of blades in my evil wake. YES! The terrible, jealous Lord of the apostrophes! All-seeing anaconda (with wings) soaring high above the stricken flock, just waiting to exact vengeance upon all who dare to inappropriately punctuate their sentences! And now my dreams have crumbled right before my eyes... times like this I wish I had cancer, I'm sure the Make-A-Wish Foundation has gotta have SOMETHING up their sleeve for downtrodden little boys (and girls) such as I... :(

    In all seriousness though, that's fucked! Primarily this is fucked because I had a teacher in high school who was fanatic about making sure that we all understood what I've just regurgitated on here, he was absolutely convinced that nobody used apostrophe's correctly (such as I have hopefully just done :D) and that we must learn 'the proper way'. He used to get quite excited about it, almost felt a bit like a sermon listening to him shriek that falling grammatical standards were a symptom of a great decline in modern culture. It's still sinking in that Mr Lord (Mr Chester Lord, to give his full title) was wrong this entire time... that his teachings could have been disproved on a fucking cannabis forum with one single link/post. I'm loving our education system more and more...

    Secondarily, it's fucked because you would think that "Henry's a nice bloke" WOULD be correct... the right way to say/spell it is without an apostrophe at all? Or with an apostrophe, as you would imagine it would have to have (as we're dropping the letter 'i' out of it in exactly the same way as we might say "That guitar's fucked bro"), thus making it look the same as "Henry's baseball" while having a totally different meaning?

    /thread derailment
  10. dudes...see, this is another reason i dig gc so much man....we just went from politics to grammar (philology?-and no, i will not look up google when im internacting here)
  11. #12 Eric111E, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    That would be nice, but its not possible. We need the ups and down and the competition. I think our plan is to stay on top of every country and make them in some way dependent on us. If we can stay one step ahead and make it so that other countries would have serious economic problems if we completely failed, all other countries will fail with us, or be forced to fail. But since we had such a large advantage compared to other countries wie will still be on top when everything gets reorganized. Then repeat the cycle while gaining more and more assets and power everytime.
    Once shit gets dire it wont matter if we dont have money, people will be starving and willing to work for food and our countries can still function while other countries who didnt prepare for such a situation hit a low never seen before.
    As bleak as it might sound, you cant look at the situation in the current time, past history ran its course, now certain things need to happen in order to have a perpetual government in the future, we are just the lucky ones that get to live through it.
  12. good notions, but if i were a betting man, i wouldnt bet on it....:smoke:
  13. #14 Eric111E, Feb 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2011
    They might fail, but its a good plan. What does it matter if you got a fake $20 trillion in currency with nothing backing it up if people believe it has valu and other countries accept it? . Money with physical value works the best when it comes to stability, but growth is too slow.
  14. No you didn't use the apostrophe right in apostrophes. Maybe if you were talking about the apostrophe's uses (see how apostrophe has become possessive of its uses?) it might work out.

    noun - singular
    nouns - plural
    noun's - singular possessive
    nouns' - plural possessive

    Then there is the almighty it's/its that gets me quite regularly. 'Its' is the possessive, without an apostrophe, while it is or it has becomes 'it's', despite everything I just said.

    I believe the right way to spell it would be to actually write 'Henry is', but I honestly don't recall ever facing that problem/learning about it so I couldn't tell you for sure.
  15. the bad thing,,,, is the fact that our country the U.S.


    .....mainly by straying so far away from the original '' philosophy''

    that formed our country to start with....[​IMG]
  16. from oppressed to the oppressor....ironic
  17. Ah, gotchya... cheers for clarifying that with the very handy 'noun - variable tense' chart thing, all is clear now :)

    Indeed, you can't go wrong just writing "Henry is"... so bloody unAustralian though, life seems to suddenly lose something important yet undefinable when I picture Australians walking around saying stuff that hasn't been chopped in half at least once. Next thing you know we'll actually be saying "Good day" to each other...


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