US Taxpayers Could Be On Hook To Bail Out Europe

Discussion in 'Politics' started by garrison68, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Europe's economy is a gigantic mess, and now there's even talk we'll have to pay to clean it up for them.

  2. old news.. MIJU posted it first you tryin to be him? :p
  3. I doubt it, its not like were free from the economic crisis either.
  4. I didn't see it, and can't find it.

    I doubt that, he's posts about 14 times a day according to his post count and the length of time he's been here.
  5. I really don't see why it's a big deal a worry, something to get ones panties in a knot over...DC will just print up more worthless dollars and give it to the EU.

    It isn't as if we will have to risk a drop in our gold reserves (since gold isn't money, it isn't a worry huh...)

    Hell, we won't even have to risk our oil reserves....(don't have any, and what is in our ground can't be touched due to the ecological horrors it would unleash (yep, I say those South-Park episodes...they just want to keep Cthulhu trapped ... you bastards!!)

  6. With what money? Americas broke as shit, we have been printing more and more money since the 80s. The world is gonna burn before things go back go the way they were. People need to realize this shit.
  7. Will nobody defend this bailout? We are gonna be living out of dumpsters if we don't save Greece guys!

    Remember, we have to save the world economy from a depression with MOAR dollars we dont have :)

  8. Since when has that ever stopped them?

    Them being the people in a position to decide.
  9. How can it be even possible for America to bail anyone out? Unless the Fed is just gonna print more money like they always do.
  10. Europe has maxed out it's credit card, lucky for them the Federal Reserve wants to lend them even more debt.. err I mean dollars.

    Anyone want to take a guess as to when the depression becomes "official" as far as the msm is concerned?
  11. this is such bullshit, so is the jobs bill, if Ron Paul isn't elected we're going to be in a permanent global wide economic struggle because of our policies and spending and the banks. :mad: :devious:
  12. shit would have to really hit the fan bad for the msm to use the word "depression"

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