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US Senate Committee Passes The National Criminal Justice Act

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by whatuthinkin, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Here we go!

    US Senate Committee Passes The National Criminal Justice Act | NORML Blog

  2. How does this apply to the movement (specifically)? I am a little slow. :)
  3. I'm not slow and I'm wondering that myself!
  4. It is not necessarily directly affecting the movement but this is a review to go over the existing criminal justice system and see how it can be improved and how we can reduce costs. The article explains what it is doing. Overhauling the drug policies. Here is another quote from the same article explaining what it is doing and how it can help stop the drug war.

  5. The hope is:
    This is an opportunity for the feds to pull their heads out of their ass. It is the hope of the "movement" that this committee make reasonable and logical recommendations, such as rescheduling MJ... and that the gov eventually do so.

    It may very well happen too.

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