US Drug Enforcement Picture Fail *LOL*

Discussion in 'General' started by DankBuddies, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. LoL Nice John Waters stash
  2. Wow, I bet millions of people would love to know his anti-aging secret, 16 years later he doesn't look a day older.
  3. haha nice find
  4. Oh, Whitey Bulger, you lovable scamp

    Yeah, did the artist take like three minutes to make that? Jesus...sign me up, I could do a more convincing job
  5. rofl all they did was like copy and paste a mustache onto him.

    That's damn fine police work Johnson, DAMN FINE
  6. Yeah, he definetly is still wearing those glasses, and who fucks with a hair style like that?

    Fugitive or not, he would NEVER change that hair.

    ....mustache makes sense.
  7. Damn how'd they know what i look like. I thought i did such a good job of changing my looks
  8. the dea and nsa log your ip when you visit their site.. i think.
  9. I honestly think they did it as a joke, But check out this crazy motherfucker.


    DEA Fugitives, Seattle Fugitives, SINGH

    Hahaha, I enjoy looking at the most wanted listed, and I especially love seeing that the majority of them are on there for Marijuana charges :rolleyes:
  10. hahahhahahahahahaha
  11. Found another, This guy is a pro snowboarder and is in the most wanted for marijuana. I find it funny that his last known location was BC :smoking:
  12. LOL this was a good find
  13. I'm convinced. Do you think he has had the same glasses for 16 years or just always buys the same frames?

  14. When you've got that little left, it'd be difficult to find another one. Let's face it, how many hairstyles are there for old bald white guys?

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