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US Army and Drug Tests

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Padraic, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. So I recently graduated highschool, and in order to pay for college, I need to enroll in the military. Now, I've been smoking basically everyday for the past three years, and I know I need to get clean to be able to get in. It's been three (rough) days of sobriety so far, but I have some questions regarding the testing.

    First, how long will I have to wait before I actually take the test in order to pass? I shaved my head in case they take a hair sample, and I run a few miles everyday, and I've heard that sweating helps rid the body of THC.

    Also, most of my friends smoke. I really don't want to have to stop hanging out with them, but when I do they will most likely be smoking. Will the second hand smoke affect the test? Or should I stop hanging out with them completely?

    Thanks in advance for the information. And in case there are any vets out there, any advice I didn't address above would be greatly appreciated.
  2. You'll be fine, the THC should be out of your system in a couple weeks if you are skinny. and just don't directly inhale their smoke and it should't affect you.
  3. If you've been smoking daily you'll need 30-60 days but the exercise should help that. I don't know for a fact but I highly doubt that second hand smoke would make you fail. Also they can get hair from any part of your body if they want to hair test like legs or armpits.
  4. #4 cball, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
    uh, no, you don't need the military to pay your way through school...that's a bullshit cop out for not being willing to work your ass off.:rolleyes:

    Join the military and you WILL lose all your current can count on that...your ass will be in a war zone or worse...and they will be busy living and going to school.;)

    get a job, earn your way through school courses, and avoid fed backed student loans (fed backed loans can not be dismissed via bankruptcy even if you are disabled they will collect, going so far as to take your disability checks, seizing your property :mad:...)

    ya, earn you way through classes, you'll be much happier:wave:

    oh, I am a vet...with today's military being used for invasion/occupation and tyranny don't want to join just to be used as a tool for murder.

  5. Exactly how am I not willing to work my ass off if I want to go into the military? From what I know, it's nothing but work. I still plan on educating myself during my time there, which is easy considering the two majors I'm contemplating for college are English and History, so I don't really know where you're coming from. I work hard everyday exercising both my body and my mind, without the help of anybody. The military is only going to help further that by keeping me in peak physical condition and paying my way through college when I eventually get out of there (which will be asap). It's only going to give me a head start in my life from here on out.

  6. word.
  7. [quote name='"cball"']

    uh, no, you don't need the military to pay your way through school...that's a bullshit cop out for not being willing to work your ass off.:rolleyes:

    Join the military and you WILL lose all your current can count on that...your ass will be in a war zone or worse...and they will be busy living and going to school.;)

    get a job, earn your way through school courses, and avoid fed backed student loans (fed backed loans can not be dismissed via bankruptcy even if you are disabled they will collect, going so far as to take your disability checks, seizing your property :mad:...)

    ya, earn you way through classes, you'll be much happier:wave:

    oh, I am a vet...with today's military being used for invasion/occupation and tyranny don't want to join just to be used as a tool for murder.[/quote]

    I agree with this guy except for the fact about u being lazey. U know u can't go to college if u die. There is so much free money out there that the government. gives out. I get 7 k a semester that I don't have to pay back for school. Seems
    Alot better than having to put my life on the line for free money witch means its not really free.
  8. I know about free money. Hell, I have a couple thousand in scholarships from the past year. The only thing is, I want to go to the University of Pittsburgh, and tuition is waay too expensive for me even if I got all the free money I could. I don't want to be in debt for twenty years after I graduate. And about the dying thing, the chance of that happening is pretty slim. Chances are I won't even be deployed to a conflict area.

  9. don't listen to these downers. I think the military would be a good thing to go into. You aren't gonna die, and it really helps out with schooling.
  10. [quote name='"Fly Guy"']

    don't listen to these downers. I think the military would be a good thing to go into. You aren't gonna die, and it really helps out with schooling.[/quote]

    U can promise he won't die. I am pretty sure we are doing alot of fighting around the world. Unless u are one of the few smart ones where they want your brain and not your muscles u might have a chance not fighting. We are America world police and trust me they will deploy your ass
  11. Well if I die, there's nothing to really do about it. Not like I can regret going over after that.
  12. #12 TreeTrunkBuddha, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    [quote name='"Padraic"']So I recently graduated highschool, and in order to pay for college, I need to enroll in the military. Now, I've been smoking basically everyday for the past three years, and I know I need to get clean to be able to get in. It's been three (rough) days of sobriety so far, but I have some questions regarding the testing.

    First, how long will I have to wait before I actually take the test in order to pass? I shaved my head in case they take a hair sample, and I run a few miles everyday, and I've heard that sweating helps rid the body of THC.

    Also, most of my friends smoke. I really don't want to have to stop hanging out with them, but when I do they will most likely be smoking. Will the second hand smoke affect the test? Or should I stop hanging out with them completely?

    Thanks in advance for the information. And in case there are any vets out there, any advice I didn't address above would be greatly appreciated.[/quote]

    You won't make it through boot camp if the only reason your there is for the paycheck.

    You have to want it

  13. like you'd know.
  14. [quote name='"Fly Guy"']

    like you'd know.[/quote]

    Yes I agree I probably have no fucking clue what I'm talking about, but think about that.

    Your dedicating your life to the military for the whole time you are enrolled. If your just waiting for the paycheck at the end it must be complete hell

  15. I agree with you there but you said he won't make it. I think he would.
  16. Your gonna risk your life for a English or history major ? What kind jobs can you get with that ?
  17. dude just because you join the army or marines does not mean you will see combat, for every one soldier on the battlefield there are 6-7 people supporting him. also id advise joining the airforce it would be a much better learning experience for you, you will get a lot more options when you get out too. focus on studying for your ASVAB so you can get a great score and have a higher chance at getting a position that you want.

    the military has its ups and downs, too many people are misinformed about the negatives and overlook the positive aspects of serving 4-5 years. it helps you so much in the long run.
  18. I hear the air force is the best for $ and education wise. I am just going off my uncle =P a little biased but he has it pretty good.
  19. A Veteran is a Veteran, it does not matter which service you enlisted in. The VA, who administers the benefits is not the military.
    A four year contract is not dedicating your life to the military. Making it a career is...
    Twenty years of service and you get a retirement, health insurance and many more benefits for life. Many companies give a preference to Veterans when hiring due too the training received on active duty. The military is not the best choice for everyone, thats why the contracts are for 4 to 6 years active and the remainder of 8 years as inactive reserve time.
    One reason why it's a volunteer force today is because young men and women recognize the benefits for them. If it wasn't for these volunteers, many of you reading this would be getting called to serve. Its called the draft...
  20. I spent seven years of my live in the military and I don't regret a thing. It's what you make it it. Joining the army isn't a cop out. I worked my ass off every single day and through every single deployment. At the end of it I had an education and got to see the world ( think about how many people there are that have never left this country).

    If your friends are real, then you won't loose them. I've had the same friend since middle school and we're still close. If this is what you want to to then more power to you. Don't listen to all of these downers. You can't talk shit about something you've never done.

    Word of advice: Stay away from the alcohol and people that are going nowhere fast. Try to do most of your college courses during your enlistment or try to get an MOS that can roll over into the real world. Good luck! If you need to know anything else just pm me.

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