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Urine Test: 5'11 and 130 lb.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xEtceteraaa, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I smoked like 3-4 times a week for 3 weeks. Im 5'11 and 130 lb. how long will it take me to be clean for a urine test?
  2. i'd say 24 days if i had to take a guess. i'd be working out and stuff too
  3. Damn son, eat a sandwich.
  4. Damn you must be skinny. You're taller than me yet you're 20 pounds lighter
  5. Damn... I'm 6'3-4 and 235ish. Only took me a 2 weeks to piss clean though, and it was a lab test... Have you guys above me ever considered that it might be a girl? Anyway. Work out a lot, I doubt you have a lot of fat on your body. Eat low fat foods like fruit and veges+bread and leans meat like chicken. Run at least 20 minutes a day. If you can't run then walk for 30 minutes. If your sitting around your house doing nothing then just walk around or do some jumping jacks to keep that heart rate up. Even flailing around (I do this too) like jumping and just waving your arms will do it. Only drink WATTTTTTER, no juice or sweet drinks. They have sugar and extra wasted calories that will turn to fat. You should be clean in a week
  6. <30 days for sure.

    And ya man you need to pack on some pounds bro. I thought I was skinny but damn son its ok to eat cake.
  7. Why does no one else think this could be a girl... You all just assume it's a guy.
  8. i myself am facing a similar predicament, except my test already happened :( i'm 135 pounds, 5'11" tall.

    i smoked every day for about 2 weeks, then stopped for two weeks before my drug test. i exercised every day for a week leading up to the test, and drank fuckloads of water the night before and morning of the test. I have yet to find out if i passed :( what do the blades think?

  9. I think you passed. Easy
  10. A week tops. I'd say in a few days though.
  11. god damn i hope so.

    i love your sig, the new BOO album is gonna be sick
  12. im about 5'10 and 125 and im not that skinny. it took me 2 and a half weeks to clean me out with water, green tea and healthy foods. i jogged every 2-3 days.
  13. I'm 5'10 185 and i smoke everyday and passed randoms. Lotta water and piss in the cup mid stream.
  14. im 6'2 and 154 im not skinny just lanky lmao
  15. Lol. Don't call him/her an "it" ... Anyways yeah as long as you work out, get a good sweat, for like 30 minutes 3-4 days a week on the treadmill or do some "kush-ups" for awhile, I think you'd be alright, in about 20 days (for safe measures). Oh and remember to drink lots of water. That's about it, good luck dude/ette.
  16. Im 6'0" 117 lbs I stopped smoking the day before the test and my ridiculously fast metabolism did all the work for me.
  17. i 7foot 7 482lbs how long it take me, i been smoking for 70years
  18. Dude, I would just eat like 6 Baconators covered in ranch dressing and like 2 diet cokes and you will be golden. Oh and pee in the cup mid stream.

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