Urgent Question Need Educated Ans.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by jak89, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. I've got some seeds from herbies and I live in florida and I dont know if its to late to start growing them outside or not? Outside is my only option. I've already got a kerala skunk growing thats been growing for about 2 weeks and its just now starting to really take off. 
    If anyone could give me any info on when its to late to plant in florida it would be amazing.

  2. In the summer, Florida get nasty electrical storms during the day which can induce mold. It's 105 degrees and then it pours rain for an hour, then its 105 degrees again. I would inspect the local foliage of wild weeds growing around your area for mold. Good luck!
  3. Alright useful info thanks for that. but can someone tell me about when the latest time to start plants is? i know the best time to start is around april or may because of the solstice or whatever. But I need to know when its too late to start. I'm sure i could just go plant them and they'll grow but I would like a bit of deeper knowledge on the subject.
  4. Kinda late for starting seeds outdoors but if you did you wouldn't get that many months of veg time before they would naturaly go into flowering due to days getting shorter and the light spectrum slowly changing from more blue light to red. Under normal conditions outdoors plants show sex in about 1 to 1 1/2 then they are ready to go into flowering. So if you did started them now they probably wouldn't get very big before going into flowering. What seeds did you get? Indicas tend to finish earlier and sativas are uualy late finishers. You might get  1 to 1 1/2 months veg time at most. For your next summer outdoor grow I would look for a strain that handles heat and humidity well.
  5. u can still plant them. They wont yield as much as if you planted them a month ago, but put em in the ground and get em going! Which strain did you get? Im not familiar with FL's growing conditions with your seasons there, But you still have time to grow some plants.
  6. It is all down to the strain (as stated above). What did you buy?
  7. You're in Florida....they pull in 2 harvests a year there.

    You'll be fine, you just will not have Humboldt sized monsters is all.
  8. #8 jak89, Jun 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2013
    I got afghan kush,kerala skunk, and grapefruit they all say they're fem and outdoor strains oh and sativa
    The kerala is already growing well for about 3 weeks now 
    I thinking about starting the 4 grapefruits and afgan but might just wait till next season. I want them to grow as much as they can
  9. From what I know florida has nearly a year round grow season because their days are always close to 12/12. This is a sunrise/sunset chart for a random town in fl and they already have days under 14 hours, which is short enough to enduce flowering. http://www.sunrisesunset.com/calendar.asp

    What all that means for you OP is that you can plant now and still get a harvest, but your plants will go straight into flowering as soon as their old enough. No matter what time of the year you plant, your plants would go straight to flowering in FL because of the short days. So there really isn't much difference between planting now or earlier in the season. Just expect small plants.
  10. well that sucks
  11. So is there like strains for this or should I grow auto flowering plants?
    My buddy grew like 10 foot tall plants one year I dont remember exactly when he started but it def happened.
  12. Veg indoors if you can.
    Thats what I am doing.
  13. my plants been growing for like a month and a half and its still in veg I think. its growing stems from the nodes ad still reaching for the sun. its like a little over two foot tall.
  14. #14 jak89, Jul 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2013
    My plant is about 4 foot tall and its got female flowers on the top three nodes I'm exited.
    Can you tell me more about this two harvests a year? From what I'm thinking with what mjmama said about the light cycles and that they'll flower as soon as they're old enough You can just plant in feb-march and again in may-june.
    I the best way to find out is to try it but if anyone has any experience with this to share that would be awesome!
  15. If started in feb or march they end up budding out a lil then revegging so april and may are the best imo but I've started some again in late july early august and they came out decent
  16. Ya now that I think about it the first time I grew I started in feb and they all hermied or maybe revegged but either way the yield was really bad. I can already tell this plant is gonna be 1000 times better and it was started in the first week of may.
    So very late march early april should prolly be a good time for the first crop and when thats done just start a new one theoretically. Guess I'll try it next year and see what happens
  17. Are there any outdoor florida growers on here? I wanna debate this!

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