Urban Legends of Cannabis(Among other drugs)

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Ninja20p, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. Urban legends about illegal drugs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I was reading through, I decided to post this up once I came across the fact the constitution was not written on Hemp, but Parchment. That is very saddening if true. Can anyone confirm or deny? I'm sure there are a lot of us who believe it to be true, I was one of them.
  2. I quite certain it was the first two or more drafts, which were written on hemp paper, as it was most popular at the time, but the final document was written on parchment (animal skin).
  3. The Deceleration on independence was written on hemp paper though, that is true.
  4. This is the truth. Not the final draft but the 1st draft of the constitution was written on hemp paper.
  5. Thanks for confirming it. Now I can be correct in debates :)

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