Upskirt pics

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by hawksauce, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. So I lifted my 4week old girls skirt up today and I think i seen a glimpse of some balls. Have I been dupped or is it too early to tell.

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  2. I expected something else entirely. lol. I dont see where youre saying you see nuts though my friend.
  3. Is this a better view?
  4. I see nothing sir.
  5. here we go

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  6. Hmm, looks like the begining of pistals to me, but give it some time. If they stay balled up, then yessir its a male.
  7. Thanks Ill wait it out
  8. Um.. I'm pretty sure those are just leaves.. New growth.
  9. Looks ok so far as I can tell. Wait before doing anything.
  10. I'm also high:smoking:

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