update with pics (The Church)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ratty, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. Hi all this is my main plant shes been flowering for just under 3 weeks, and I cant wait till shes ready, any way let me know what you all think.

    Attached Files:

  2. Lookin real good!! good work
  3. cheers dudeoflife,
    the buds that are slowly growing dont seem to be getting that big are they likely to increase in size massively I still have 3-4 weeks of flowering left it just seems that for the size of my plant (5.5' high 3.5' wide) my yeild is going to be tiny maybe like an oz or something.
  4. your nuts! :D the most bud mass is grown in the last 2 weeks.

    you will get way more than an ounce with that plant for sure.

  5. I didnt know that this is my first grow, But now i do im glad i read that some plants yeild up to 1200grams im clearly not getting any where close to this but hey well see, thanks for your input
  6. sexy plant dude, she'll fatten up on you even more in the near future:D
  7. i averaged 4oz per plant and mine were only 2 feet tall :p
  8. looking good, did you sex them and then reveg? im asking cuz i had some i did that to and they look leafy like that on the main stem- looks good anyway, nice and healthy -peas:hello:
  9. The seeds i purchased were feminised I i didnt sex them thats the way they have grown the tips of the leaves are turning purple i dont know what this is but it looks quite funky ill post some pics soon. ive read that this is caused by the cold weather is this true, could it be the nutes im using (biobizz grow,bloom and topmax).
  10. Does any body know why my leaves are turning purple
  11. good lord that plant looks amazing. good job. im slightly worried about mine now seeing yours already that far into budding!
  12. <TABLE class=tborder style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR title="Post 1863247" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>ratty</TD><TD class=alt2>purple leaves
    <HR>Does any body know why my leaves are turning purple </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

    Hey Ratty, nice buds. Keep it growen.

    Purple leaves usually means your plants were hit with a bit of a cold, frost dmg. Unless your hit by a hugh frost your plants can take alot of frost before their completely dmged.

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