Update: week 3 of 12/12 CHECK OUT THESE BUDS

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by crezydave, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. all ladies are nirvana bubbliouse. 3 weeks into flowering. using 4ft T5s 4 2700k bloom bulbs.and four 43ft 2700k CFLS. Let me know what yall think.

    Attached Files:

  2. Where the hell are those plants?! Looks like there in an office...haa...:confused:
  3. It has beautiful color
  4. looking good mate, keep up the good work:)
  5. Nice plants, I'm growing the same plant as you. Check out my sig. I am on my 6th week of 12/12. Everything looks great.:smoke:
  6. Thanks Guys :). i just hope they get bigger and bigger

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