Update on my 2017 California grow.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Mahmo, Sep 1, 2017.

  1. I have had my challenges with spider mites, grasshoppers, leaf hoppers, and gophers this season. I have been really proactive with all the measures and have controlled my issues fairly well. Here are a few photos of the progress of my grow. It's been a bit stressful and I continue to gain more knowledge. Cheers.

    IMG_2595.JPG IMG_2600.JPG IMG_2596.JPG IMG_2597.JPG
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  2. Beautiful grow man. What kind of genetics did you run this year.
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  3. Very Nice
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  4. Hey Michganman.
    Hope you are doing great!
    Mostly Orange Cookies, and Sunrise Sherbet. The one early plant is Pineapple Express. I had an opening and a friend wanted me to try it. He said it was a good producer and an early finisher. So decided to try just one. Probably should have done a few. All in all, I am chomping at the bit looking forward to harvest.
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  5. Aren't we all man aren't we all. I can't wait either. Those buds looks delicious. Good job bro
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  6. Thank you! Looking forward to the conclusion. It's just been too damn hot this season!
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  7. 107º where I am right now. It's supposed to get to 110º. It's a Love/Hate relationship.;)
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  8. Got down to 39° here last night!
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  9. Are you doing any bud swelling, I'm up in NorCal; and my plants are about 7-8 feet tall and round and my buds and definitely not that size, and I give them a lot of tlc, what do you attribute your bud size to?

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  10. Might get some purpling.

    This is what my next few days look like


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  11. I was just up in your area two days ago. Making a Costco run.
    Root health - Brewing tea and feeding them every 10 days. I have found that the teas make a huge difference in the bud size and trichomes. I am flushing two days before I feed the tea. Another thing that I have found is not keeping a constant Ph. I vary between 6.0 -6.5 then flush with 7.0 them feed the tea and I don't Ph the tea at all. As soon as I feed the tea the plants are standing straight up and really signing. It's been a rough season. I have had to use twice as much water as last season. Happy Harvesting
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  12. That's my forecast as well. Stay cool brother.
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  13. Wow! That getting down there.
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  14. O that's too funny you live so close.
    I have a lot of questions for you lol.
    What is this tea and how the hell do I make it, I always heard people talking about tea but I don't know where to find it or how to get it/make it.
    Question number two.
    In this heat and dryness are you watering every day in your smart pot or every other day, or every few days? I was watering ever day without getting any over watering symptoms, until recently (65 gallon smart pots)

    Last was questing how often do you give your plants nutes, and what is you full feed schedule?

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  15. Judging by the forecast I'm in the same are as you, and with my in ground girls need a ton of water during this heat wave, already watered three times this week probably again tomorrow too. Out here in the arid west water and nitrogen are the limiting factor for growth of all plants. In the past when I grew in pots I had water multiple times a day to keep up with them. Even going as far as having a five gallon bucket with a tiny hope that slow watered them for another couple hours.
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  16. A few times a day with pots? How big were you smart pots?
    If I water every other day the top inch will get dry but everything under will be wet

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  17. Most were 60 and some were 100. Plants were 6-7 feet tall 7-8 feet wide. Water in the morning looking sad by noon and wilting by 3. It's why I stopped growing in pots, to much commitment.
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  18. Hey Brother,
    Teas. I have experimented with different formulas. I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on products so I have read a lot about how to make it. There are many variables and many opinions on what works. First off, Teas is what creates the micro-nutirens/microbes that feed your soil. It in turn helps your plant's root system and the plants ability to uptake nutrients more efficiently. There is lots of information on GrassCity on "Teas" but it isn't where I came up with my method.

    I use a 225gal reservoir (because of the amount of pants that I have, you could probably use a 55 gallon plastic drum) with a 110v water pump with an aerator and a dedicated aerator with a large air stone to circulate the water and to oxygenate the tea. I use 6lb of organic worm castings, and 6 lbs of organic Alaskan Humus. Both of those are put in two separate 5gal paint strainer bags. They are zip tied and I use bungie cords attached to them to hang them in the water solution directly above the aerators. I use 1200ml unsulphered molasses.(some of the master growers use organic Sucanat sugar. 2 cups per 55 gal) I let it brew anywhere from 24-48 hours or until it smells sweet, loses the molasses smell and the tea has started to get foamy. With 100gal pots the plants get about 12 gal each, every 10 days after a flush. Right after the flush, I start brewing the tea. Root health is muy importante

    Nutrients. I have used pretty much everything. This season I started with GH Flora Series. I switched to GrowMore 16-16-16 with teas. I am using GrowMore 4-26-26 for bloom and MOAB as a supplement to bump the solution every two weeks or so. I feed, then I water, water. I usually flush once a week.

    Watering- I just watch the plants. Depending on the heat sometimes every day, sometimes in the AM, and PM. Sometimes every other day. 10% of the size of your smart pots. 65gal pots. 6-7gallons each. Depending on your medium and drainage, you have to check your soil. If it is dry 3 inches down. you need to water. But it is better to read your plants. You can tell when they need water and when they are happy. It's better to be consistent and proactive rather than waiting for your plants to droop. Good Luck! Oh and your mileage may vary. I just like to keep it as simple as I can. AND I have a lot of master growers around me that have been growing large grows for many years.
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