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update on life

Discussion in 'General' started by Full-Time Mexican, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. so guys n gals, its been 4 months I've been a Christian-based sober living program.
    I haven't gotten altered in 4 months.

  2. Congratulations?

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  3. Thank goodness! And to think this whole time I thought you were dead
  4. And it's going good... bad.. what?
  5. That's nice.Most important thing,is what have you learned?Life isen't all about getting high and fun,it's more importantly about learning.You where tak'n away from the crowed,and see,no problem your back to your shit.Experience bro
  6. This would have been better lol
  8. Lol were you gunna give us more details? You were a fairly prominent member of the community but then you poof gone'd like Hoffa and give us these little blurbs every few months that your at a Christian recovery program.

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    sorry about that.
    things are going well. honestly, back in july on the 3rd I got in a fist-fight with my dad and almost knocked him out... so of course they gave me the boot. enough on that. I spent a couple days on the street and on the 5th I became suicidal. I hated the way my life had turned out and I kept having racing thoughts of suicide. I didn't wanna kill myself so I went to the hospital and told them my problem. I spent 13 days in a psych ward where I was diagnosed with major depression and put on Zoloft. saw a lot of crazy things there. don't do hard drugs kids... they can really make you nuts (as I saw first hand with all the burn outs in there). after that a social worker at the hospital told me I should go to this shelter here in Houston and enter a recovery program there, since I was already spiritual and its a Christian facility and program.
    that was back on July 18th. here I am November 9th at the Houston public library downtown writing to you all. I have been in the program for 4 months almost, and apart from some personal conflicts with the 50 or so other "addicts" I live in a dorm with I am enjoying life. I am restricted to the campus for the weekdays. I have a work therapy for half the day in the morning (I do laundry and take care of our dorm and what-not) then in the afternoon I have classes; like 12-Step Class, Life Skills, Spiritual Skills and Commands of Christ. We go to chapel 3 times a day during the week. after breakfast, after lunch and then at 7:30pm. I serve as an usher during chapel taking care of various tasks, which is nice. most of the guys here are really cool, save a few mega-douches but such is to be expected when you're dealing with so many different personalities (most of which are full grown children since they've been getting high or drunk on all different kinds of shit). I'm pretty much the only strictly ex-pothead dude there. everyone else was an alcoholic or did all types of drugs (mostly crack).
    on the weekends I get to go out all day on Saturday... and Sunday I get to be out til 3:30pm (I also have to attend an outside church and bring proof I went). When I get back I have to submit to a breathalyzer and sometimes a random UA. I can honestly say it hasn't been a problem because I haven't been fucking around.
    I am learning I had a serious problem abusing the shit out of marijuana. I'm not being indoctrinated into believing weed is evil or the devil or anything. I just see now all I could be concerned with was staying high. I haven't been high in 4 months and I sometimes say, "wish I could smoke a J and munch out" lol but I know that will pass. I am actually enjoying sobriety. the program is working for me I gotta say, and I do think being on anti-depressants is helping me.
    once I finish this program, I am gonna enter a year-long program here at the same shelter. It's a school of ministry, and I'll get certified as a Christian minister in the state of texas. then after that, I'm gonna get assistance to go to Bible college to get a master's degree so I can work as a certified Christian counselor and then work towards a Th.D (a doctorate in theology).
    I plan to write a couple books, do missionary work here and in other countries across the globe. Maybe even work at the shelter I'm at one day in the future. I gotta say they saved my life when not even my parents wanted anything to do with me. all this they are giving me for free and it's not from the government either. it's all funded by Christians here in the Houston area. I've made many brothers-in-Christ and met many wise men who are strong in the Spirit. I've always considered myself a godly man but now I am learning A LOT about the Bible, Christianity and Jesus in detail.
    I dunno if I'll ever smoke again, something tells me I might way later on in the future once I'm fairly successful and all that nonsense. For now, I'm done with that life. I ain't 'bout it no more, lol.
    But I'll drop in on you blades every now and then to let ya know what's good. Holla atcha boy.
    I'm glad things are working out for you, but even though you say that you aren't being indoctrinated, why are you saying things like "Im not about that life" and stuff like that? I understand that weed doesn't go too well with depression in certain cases, but that doesn't make weed a lifestyle, just a habit.
    Anyways, I'm really curious about why you decided to go on such a spiritual journey, I will try to say this the nicest way I can, but why do you feel like devoting your life to the possibility of a specific deity whose existence is solely based on speculation? I would very much like to have a rational debate with someone about this but I haven't ran across many people who dedicate their life to a god so I haven't had the chance to do that.
    I just want to clarify that no deity saved your life, the people in that community did, as could have been the case with any other facility that didn't involve spirituality in it.
    I don't expect you to understand because of your obvious bias. that is the essence of faith.
    I am just trusting in Jesus because I take His word that He is from God and is His Son.
    Read "The Case for Christ" just for shits n giggles if you're really about discovery of knowledge.
  12. What do you mean by "altered?"
    And why are you posting here? Don't they have you convinced that you will burn in hell for visiting this forum?
  13. You are a stronger blade than I. If I was to do so much as look at a pic of a bud, the shit would hit the fan and I'd be calling chuey down the street to score me a bag. I would have to go to one extreme or the other. Be an on fire born again christian that avoids GC or else just toke daily and be a stoner. Good luck to you.
  14. #16 Stride420, Nov 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2014
    Good luck on your journey but I don't understand what any of it has to do with quitting marijuana... And I did read your response to Royal explaining everything.

    Other than that I don't believe in religion so I don't understand how any of this could help anyone.

    Nor could I ever understand how believing in a religion cures people depression. That would mean depression is all in peoples heads. But more likely its just a distraction to what's really making you depressed. In other words its just another void filled with religion rather than marijuana. Which you choose to preoccupy yourself with is your choice.

    Fuck I don't understand much today.
    Although I'm with you in that I don't believe in anything that cannot be proved by science and therefore do not believe in any kind of higher power, I do admit that it makes sense for people who have no goal or incentive to live life, it provides them with a (false) sense of purpose and that's why religion helps people with depression.
  16. Never go full mexican.

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  17. Good luck to you.
  18. "Whatever gets you through the night 'salright, 'salright ..."

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