Until corporate hacks come out of the cannabis closet, we're still screwed

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by dickens cider, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Generally speaking, there are two types of people who are loud, public cannabis activists:

    1)"losers" in the traditional sense, who, naturally, have nothing to lose. This group hurts the cause.
    2)Brilliant self-made types who have found a way to bypass the corporate system that is The United States of America. This group doesn't impact much either way, because most voters view this status, intellectually and otherwise, as unattainable. It is largely irrelevant that Carl Sagan loved cannabis and thought it aided his work; mid-level Sales Manager John Doe doesn't need cannabis to help his sales. He needs anti-depressants and coffee.

    This is not incidental; the system was designed this way. In so doing, the result is a common voter who judges the totality of users into the above two groups, short a few loose ends. The vast majority of us fall in the middle: working jobs we dislike but can tolerate for The Machine, who will undoubtedly send us to the streets should be voice ourselves in favor of illegal activity.

    The crux of what I'm asking is that the corporate shills grow a pair and speak out. Easier said than done, I know, but it's the only way. Until we can educate the Corporate American non-user that not only is this not hurting us, it is indeed helping us(yes, even those of us not suffering from awful disease), full-force legalization can never happen. Understand that the dumber ones can't comprehend the notion of intellectual pursuits involving a change in perspective, but many will.
  2. I am a broken record.:cool::cool::cool:

    Until it becomes more important to your 'Corporate Hacks' to re-legalize cannabis than it is to support prohibition, the status quo will prevail.

    One reason won't cut it. Maybe two will. Twenty thousand certainly will.

    Find your second reason. Then you'll get what you want.

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