This is my first post so if I've put this in the wrong section or anything please let me know! Anyways, I just recently (3 days ago) was placed on 1 year of unsupervised probation for a first-time drug offense. I was told to mail-in report because I live in a different county than where the crime and my probation officer is located. I was given slips to mail in but DID NOT meet with my PO that day & the woman who did my intake said I would never have to physically come to the probation office. 1. Is it likely that I will end up having a meeting with my PO soon or not at all since the intake woman said I would never have to physically come down to the office? 2. If I do not have to meet my PO, is it likely they will make a home visit? How often do they usually make home visits? 3. My terms of probation are that I am subjected to random drug tests.. would these be administered at my home (since it is unsupervised) or at the office? Also, how likely is it to get a random UA? (I'm thinking I have to get tested at least once, I mean I did have a drug crime and all) 4. I was a heavy smoker before I was placed on it so will it be considered a violation if I fail my first drug test? This is my first time on probation so I have NO idea what to expect. Any answers would be awesome! Thanks in advance.
You won't be tested. I've been on unsupervised probation for the last 4 years, constantly catching a new charge RIGHT BEFORE completion. Never been piss tested. Never been bothered.