Unnecessary help in Mmorpgs

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by SkadiVanir, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. I think its probably me, and me alone, but does anyone else find it extremely annoying when you are minding you own business in mmos and some idiot comes and help you kill something(usually if your character is a girl) and you dont need help killing a monster, but the dumbass just comes along and help you kill it, i can see if you asked for help, thats one thing, but im a fucking warrior, i dont need your damn help killing this thing.
    I rarely play mmorpgs but when i do this completely random idiot comes along and helps me.

    Its probably a stupid rant but its been bugging me ever since i started playing mmos. Does anyone else get like this or is it just me?
  2. Yeah I agree..I'd ask for help if I needed it.

    People on MMO's can be annoying as hell!
  3. I think you may be over reacting a bit.
  4. I usually do exactly what you're describing, but not to troll or make anyone's day worse. I just want to help.

    I've helped people killed elite monsters and complete tough quests just cause I saw them not getting it as speedily done as they may want or cause they might've gotten into a fight they were unknowingly prepared for.

    This is honestly the first time I've seen someone get mad at random help. Guess people want chivalry to die, I suppose.

  5. I agree with you on the elite killing part.
  6. It depends on the who, what, and where... If it's a serious PvP game where your life is at risk, you should try avoiding player contact entirely (unless ofcourse u have a team).. Other then that, if I am outnumbered and outgunned, I dont mind the help, but most games are easy enough nowadays that you can solo thru everything :smoke:

  7. If someone has to kill 12 regular ogres for a quest, of course I'm not going to waste my time. But if someone has to kill say, 100 of them then I'll ask to party up to help them, if they'd like.

    I never out-of-the-blue land and start killing mobs to 'help' the person. I always ask beforehand if they'd want the help.
  8. lol whenever I play mmos I always meet the people who just stand idle and watch you die
  9. Well, when my brother asked me to play WoW, there were a bunch of people that would help me out when I was a low level.

    But that's probably because my character was a female Elf named Jizzbucket.
  10. yeah, getting helped sounds better haha
  11. what I hate in MMO's are communities that solo 90% of the time, or play toons of multiple classes duel-boxing lol.

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