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Unknown Illness

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Venomous Puffer, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. Hey, for the past couple of years my mom has been experiencing strange and unusual feelings such as aching limbs, numbness and tingling in the arms and legs, intense burning sensations in the muscles, muscle spazems, and more. She recenetly discovered that the symptoms get extreme when she consumes a large concentrated amount of potassium such as with total cereal and certain pills such as glucosamine that have about 1000 - 1500mg of potassium per pill. She cant sleep so she now is starting to suffer from minor effects of insomnia on top of everything else. She has been to the ER for these effects probably about 15 times and they can never do anything. The doctors are retarded and don't have a fucking clue. I recomended that she smoke Marijuana for pain relief, muscle relaxation, and to help her sleep at night or atleast try THC pills. Anyone got an opinion on this? Do you think this would help or would this just be a stupid idea? Any comments appreciated, thanks.

    - Puffer
  2. it is called chronic for a reason "chronic pain
  3. she might be a grandma has the same symptoms and she is a diabetic
  4. There is a such thing as potassiam (sp) poisoning. And generally if somthing makes your symptoms worse you should go out of your way to avoid it.
  5. Thank you to everyone who has posted so far i really appreciate it. I am currently looking up information on the potassium poisoning that doob mentioned and finding similar effects as what she is experiencing. She had her blood checked and she is not diabetic. Hopefully we can find out whats wrong and have it fixed. Thanks again and all new replies are still welcomed and appreciated

    - puffer
  6. Maybe she has Lupus some of the Lupus symptoms are aching limbs, numbness and tingling in the arms and legs like you stated there is no cure for Lupus so she probly can get a med card it might not even be Lupus but you can google it holla
  7. Ha Ha i like that i got chronic pain right now im in pain that i dont have no chronic :D

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