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unknown bugs eating my plants at night

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by thatdudewiththedank, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. i had to move rooms and plants were on balcony for few hours. ever since something is eating lots of tiny holes in the leaves during the 6 hours sleep, i cant find any trace of bugs or any similar damage to know what im looking for

    using ct pro plus w hydrostones perlite and air pots.

    cannot find any bugs anywhere have killed two super tiny black flies that were really agile for their size

    please help ):

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  2. sorry for bad lighting

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  3. Spinosad or BT spray before lights out. You might have a caterpillar or earwig.
  4. Always take pics you're going to post on here taken under natural lighting. Obviously, the LED is making everything very blue. But you've got something eating your plants, obviously. Take a magnifying glass and keep looking. You can't really treat something until you know what it is. Never put your indoor plants outside, especially this time of year. It only takes a second for a butterfly to drop you off a load of larvae or some other bug to hijack your plants. But again, magnify it big and try to figure out what it is. TWW
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  5. thank you guys it seems to be earwigs, i heard before they were beneficial so they never crossed my mind.

    i solved the problem with sticky pads and veg oil traps but im just not sure if i should prune off the leaves with holes?
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  6. #6 Allofthemtaken, Jul 2, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2017
    Glad to hear, no need to snip them. Earwigs ARE NOT beneficial for cannabis. Maybe in general, but they will burrow into your medium, multiply, and feast on your new growth at night, ignoring pests. If you take too long to catch them indoors they lay eggs in the soil and boom, you got a bunch of them running around at night, they can do a large amount of damage in a small amount of time.
  7. i still havent found the begger, trying to figure out if adjusting the fan has "stopped it" or if its just damaging roots, makes sense if it eats the plant that it would eat the root? meh idk i need sleep again anothet super late night.
    ty for the pro help fingers x'd (_ _") will update thread when we hit that bridge.

    ps should i remove the leaves with holes now?
  8. i know broski, i went full retard again T_T heatwave made me lose my tits i didnt think for a second... damn it
  9. You can snip them if you want but you don't need to. Even with holes in it, it's photosynthesizing - so leaving it alone won't hurt either.

    I would immediately also start an IPM - integrated pest management. You need to start spraying for bugs on a regular basis. There are a ton of different products and strategies - but you'll need to figure out which one to go with and start right away.

    A basic spray is neem oil and/or Azemax - I use them both together. Neem oil is an extract from a tree and Azemax is made from one of the ingredients in neem itself. I mix them together into a foliar spray and douse the top and bottom of all leaves about every 3 days. Because you have some unknown pest I'd also suggest a more insecticide route like Morrison's. Also spray this every 3 days for at least 2 weeks on alternate days from the neem. That should do it...
  10. thank you for all the help guys n gals, really appreciate everything, heres a gift for you, some pics in natural lighting just done final flush got ppm dowm to 60 will harvest tomorrow !!

    first time growing hope this is decent

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  11. How late in flowering? I dont have anything i can see but im in the first week of flowering and I am concerned because I didn't do any pest management spraying. wondering how much longer i got or if I should. I have azamax and neem and sm-90


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  12. Personally if no sign of pests try to refrain until you see something only because youre flowering now and most products are for use in veg

    I used a spinosad product called "Natures Gift" which you can mix 20ml to 500ml of watering mix per week and your plants will build a resistance without the foliar spray counter effect from flower photoperiod.

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