Universe cycle

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by imsobaked, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. I read this book and it got me thinking...

    Idealogically, it says in the future we could be advanced enough to reach other life-bearing planets much like ours. We will leave in a giant ship containing millions of us. When we reach the other planet it may be in a prehistoric state where the inhabitants are primitive. They will see us coming out of the ship and praise us as "gods" we will fly around in jetpacks and have weird spacesuits on. The natives will draw us as winged gods. We will mate with some of the natives and the mother will give birth to prodigies. We will help them build their civilizations.

    Things like that.

    It got me thinking...is that what happened to us?

    Share ideas here.

  2. Nawwww.... with our history we'll prob kill them and steal their land and beads..

  3. Just like Avatar. I seriously cried when they shot down hometree...what a great movie.

    - peace, joy, love, and light

  4. It was actually from a book titled Chariot of The Gods

  5. Lol yea I know I was just saying that the poster above me described what happened in the movie Avatar. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.

    - peace, joy, love, and light

  6. Oh I see.
    Yes I have seen it. I enjoyed it. I actually saw it in 3D at the theater when I was high as shit, haha

  7. actually i was describing what happened when Columbus finished sailing the seven seas n shit back in the day... i haven't seen avatar :wave:
  8. I hope this happens in my lifetime, I wanna be the first dude to fuck an alien... I'd come back to earth and walk around and people be like... There he goes, homeboy fucked a martian once.

    (Shameless Jay and Silent Bob reference)

  9. Haha I loled.
  10. Great book. Great theory.

  11. Truly.
  12. So, what happened to the space people?

  13. I'm gonna have to reread the book. It said something like they either went to explore more or went back to earth.
  14. That's crazy! I was thinking about that recently with a friend of mine. We came up with a theory that humans are a sort of virus that landed on earth from another planet. It would explain why we're do dauntingly different from other species. Maybe? Idk. It sounds silly but its a start to a theory.

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