I'm looking for the smallest case possible to carry my herb, small glass pipe, MFLB, lighter, papers, eyedrops, and any other little accessories I might need. I know it might sound like a lot things to carry, but I have feeling there is a nice small carrying case out there in the world perfect for this. I'm not expecting it to be super small, but you know portable. Would love to hear what everybody is using! I'd love to hear any carrying cases people use actually.
Wow, thanks! Do they sell the case separately? I was actually going to buy the iolite, but went for the MFLB instead because of the size.
they might, check ebay. iolite Vaporizer Parts: Buy iolite Vaporizer Parts & Standard Padded Case Online if you dont put the iolite in it, you can fit a good amount stuff in there; bud, poker, lighter, small piece...etc
I just checked out some photos and looks pretty sweet. I just don't know what I would put on the left side. I mean, I don't what I would hold in that band that secures the iolite. Otherwise, great recommendation! Thanks brotha!
That shit is sick, but it seems to be discontinued. Looks like they got only a few on eBay. Know anywhere else that carries it?
dogfunk.com usually has some but it looks like they're out of stock bro.. Those things are tight for the launch box.. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVH-yooof2s]YouTube - Magic Flight-Launch box carrying case-420 kit[/ame]
get a trumpet case, tear out the insides, put it styrofoam and carve out holes in the shape of your pieces and line that shit with some suede or velvet or some shit.
Buy a case, some foam, a utility knife and glue: cheap case that can you can shape just the way you like it .
u could get a sunglasses case or just check out some local headshops, they usually have some small cases when im on the go, i usually just throw a piece and herb container in an old hard pistol case that has the egg carton foam inserts. hold everything in place and keeps it from breaking. but if i were to get pulled over and searched, it would probably look worse with them thinking my stuff is a gun lol