Unimpressed with Cheech 'n Chong Interviews

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Indica Kid, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAwP7_O5qDk&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube- Cheech and Chong on N.J.'s Blazing Trail[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gV1T51I1pA&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube- Bill O'Reilly & Cheech and Chong on Legalization of Marijuana[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpoyii7Rp1U&feature=player_embedded#"]YouTube- Cheech & Chong vs Ann Coulter[/ame]
  2. Why are you unimpressed? I thought they were great and informative
  3. Tommy just makes a fool out of himself, he comes across as a dull, uninformed stoner. He sat through most of those interviews saying "it's proven medical man". Cheech was slightly better because he can at least talk normally but he still says shit without backing it up.

    Cheech and Chong are not what we need for the marijuana movement, we need the young professionals who can get up and concisely deliver a point with supporting studies/facts.
  4. ann coulter kind of sucks but she is a conservative
  5. I am more mad at the people who interview them like that bill dude. He makes no plausible case for his side yet he says things toward bud like an arrogant bitch. idk how people listen to people in favor of prohibition every single of their arguments is false
  6. R9O00000000000000ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR0ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Such a bitch argument this one:

    "Colombia came out and has stated that pot is the number one thing Americans are addicted to."


    When you get busted, you get court ordered to go to rehab. You check in as marijuana and they count you as an addict.

    That is such bullshit. That statistic would not exist if it were legal.
  7. Exactly, and you want to know what was unimpressive, that Cheech and Tommy couldn't even point out this most basic legalization fact. They are just uninformed, I really dont want these to be the people arguing legalization on fox news. The hosts didn't even really argue with them, the hosts just let the two dig their own graves with the viewers.

    You know that any parents watching these interviews at home with kids were saying "see kids, this is why you dont do drugs". Whereas if you take a sharp young business man who can throw stats and studies at you all day long, the kids start asking "momma, why is a plant that you cant overdose on illegal"
  8. I highly doubt that news reporter's "under cover" guys saw drug addicts going into a dispensary to buy weed, to sell it to get drugs. If they were going to do that I think they would just go to a pot dealer/grower and buy it for a lot cheaper, then sell it.
  9. I'm sure Tommy Chong is a cool dude, but every time I see him on TV arguing for marijuana legalization I do a face palm. Every time he comes on it's like the legalization movement takes a step backwards.
  10. yeah you're right man, cheech and chong are both great and they will forever be synonymous with the stoner community but for the legalisation movement, they're the last thing we need. in that first interview it seemed as though neither of them had any clue about legalisation and tommy fulfilled the bad stoner stereotype, which isn't what we need.
    but still, you gotta love cheech n chong, common!
  11. Wow, I thought I was the only one who felt this way about them.

    I like them, and they are funny. They don't, however, put up a good front against prohibitionists.

    One would think, as I am sure these broadcasting companies do, that these Icons would be one of the best representations of the community. Yet, everytime they open their mouths, all self-respecting stoners can't help but get nauseous.

    I hate to see them do that to themselves and hemp culture.
  12. I don't think Cheech and Chong are so bad. It's Fox news I can't stand.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx0ZqyqO8Wg"]YouTube - John Lennon - Tight A$[/ame]
  13. I completely agree. I'm glad they're starting this tour, because it will be the younger generation that does most of the progress for the next few years, especially with initiatives. But they need someone a lot better at public speaking to go on the news and stuff. Though I think if you compare how these guys look to how a crackhead looks, I still can't see a reason to not legalize it.
  14. #14 weedasaurus, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    You could replace the entire fox news staff with bobble heads and it wouldn't change anything. Get my drift.:D

    whenever I see Ann coulter debate anything on fox, I get put into a trance by her adams apple bouncing up and down when she speaks.
  15. tommy chong is really not that dumb, hes a very smart man. hes got a book on going to prison, you should read it. say what you like, but why bother bagging on them for not doing a good job? go do a better one then, threads like this are counterproductive.
  16. I disagree totally. They're comedians.
  17. You guys are missing something here. Two or three years ago, Faux News never would have considered a segment like this. It was unthinkable. I thought they handled themselves really well. Keep in mind that Mr. Chong is 71 years old. He's gonna have some memory issues completely unrelated to pot use. He has been smoking pot all of his adult like. I hope I'm that healthy at 71.

    Bill O'Reilly is a corporate ho. Ann Coulter is a transexual and I don't even know who that first bitch was. I love how they all started in on the, SAVE THE CHILDREN!!! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!

    Alcohol consumption is one of the biggest problems among underage children. I don't see them screaming to save the children from Alcohol. That would deprive them of THEIR intoxicant of choice.

    I was really impressed with both of them. They were gentlemen throughout the interviews. Unlike their opponents.
  18. Yeah, Tommy actually is pretty smart. I've read one of his books. You gotta remember, they are comedians. They are meant to be funny. :smoke:
  19. that bitch is a cunt of a man

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