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unidentifiable flying object

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Ragga, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Hey all, I got this Bud a while ago from a friend. he was giving this stuff to me pretty regularly. I'm thinkin it wasnt coming from far because it was always very sticky and fresh.
    I dont know what it is and I'd like to. I'm hoping someone here could give and educated guess.

    it had a very heavy chemical smell almost diesel/kerosene like with a hint of skunk smell. it was very hard to conceal. if you had a gram in your pocket and a half smoked bowl, it F'in reeked bad. I mean real bad.

    it tasted like fresh cut pine trees when you smoked it and provided a real clean heady high that was great with almost no residual effects when you came down. you only needed a few hits.

    this stuff was really nice and I'd love to know what it was.
    I just refered to it as Kine bud or KB.


  2. idk bro but that looks exactly like alot of sour diesel that comes through my parts.and the way u described it ,describes the notorious sour diesel smell lol. but maybe it is just kine bud or what ever?
  3. That looks familiar...I picked this up a week ago and it smells and hits just like you described. Could it be the same? VERRRRY Smelly shit. No name given.


    Pretty dank, but not the dankiest.
  4. Im no expert, but it looks similar to Skunk#1 ive had before, regardless smoke the shit out
    of it, looks delicious! :smoking:
  5. Ragga, you have a sickly good camera. :D

    The bud looks delicious also.
  6. I thought it looked just like Northern Lights.

  7. yeah man, they look a lot alike. I'd really like to get my hands on more of it.

    thanks! the camera is only part of it.
    the buds were delicious, sadly the went as fast as they came. :smoking:

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