Pizza, Take-5 candy bars, huge sub sandwiches. My eyes are always bigger than my stomach when im stoned. Fucking Doritos jesus christ.
I used to eat unhealthy shit in large quantities way back when, like eating two-five double cheeseburgers, or half a pizza with a shit ton of soda. One night, my friends and I demolished two of those chicken nugget platters from Chik-Fil-A and a three pound bag of nuggets after. Since smoking daily, though, I've learned to control what I eat, so I eat less red meat, processed foods, salt, and high-fructose corn syrup. Unfortunately, I haven't learned the rule of quality over quantity yet, so I'll down more healthy foods than I should But the worst thing I've ever eaten high were five double cheeseburgers from Burger King, downed in a span of fifteen minutes. That, and those White Castle microwavable burgers.
I'm a sucker for the Reese's big cup, the peanut butter to chocolate ration is so much more desirable then the regular sized Reese's cup. When I'm baked I'll typically get my self a King sized Reese's Big Cup and a King Size Heath Bar. Smoked a blunt before class last week, decided to fuck class and got me a couple mcgridlle's from McDonalds. Well worth it since I didn't miss anything!
Basically anything I eat while I'm high. Sober I actually eat pretty damn healthy, but when I'm high those processed, high fat foods are just so damn tempting.
This is a funny thread since I almost just ate a full bag of lays barbeque chips in one sitting........yup
l Thats what i do when im high. or atleast for a while now, shits amazing. my mom bought one and my abs are like BLAM. haha so baked. wake and bake. OH and also
Portland and surrounding areas. We use to go to the one in South Portland for breakfast before school, so good!