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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ytfghmjb, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. i wasnt feeling well at all last week; so i went to the doctors and got blood work done . my results came back yesterday, and i was diagnosed with liver disease . it kinda sucks, and i smoked last night but it made me feel worse. does anyone know what kind of affect marijuana has on the liver?
  2. Marijuana has no bad effect on the liver, except in the case posted by the dude above.
    It's alcohol, tylenol, and some other pills that are bad for the liver. Also, is your diet extremely shitty?
  3. well my diet isnt EXTREMELY shitty, but id agree that i have some pretty bad eating habits . i eat fast food like maybe 3 days a week, but other than that everything i eat is pretty healthy
  4. Sorry to hear that dude. Toking probably isn't the worst thing for your liver. Those small THC molecules are nothing compared to the cups of alcohol people pass through their livers.

    Vaping will make it easier on your body. Smoke definitely isn't good for anything.

  5. thanks for the articles and your kindness; +rep to everyone
    and yeah, i think ill just stop smoking for a while and see how it goes...
  6. thanks for the rep bro, too bad u dun have ne to give ne so it dont count. but the thought was awesome, get better bro. ;)
  7. How heavy of a drinker are you? This is more than likely more or less genetic, although I am sorry to hear about it.

    I know plenty/am a heavy drinker, and friends who eat a lot of advil/tylenol, and haven't had these kinds of repercussions after years of doing so.

    As far as pot being bad for the liver, there's not really any downsides. It won't be poorly affecting your liver.

  8. did u read up on that? the study i read said it was bad for it.

  9. I did, but your study was one of very few that I could find documenting relations between liver damage and marijuana.
  10. you can find a "study" that crack cures the common cold also but that doesnt mean it works
  11. Damn. How bad is the disease? I don't know much about diseases so can you inform me a bit more? Is it cureable or treatable in any way? Good luck to you in the present and future!
  12. Sorry to hear that man really, hope everything turns out alright. Best of luck to you.
  13. Advil (ibuprofen) affects the kidneys, not the liver. Tylenol (acetaminophen) is what affects the liver.
  14. i would assume smoking wouldnt do anything but if physically smoking is hurting u then just make edibles like brownies and such. maybe they are easier on your liver as well i dont know but i do remember reading on dig that some government study said that marijuana helps to reduce tumor size. it was like some big study or something they tried to keep from us for years. so i guess keep toking :D
  15. you should try smoking with a vaporizer

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