Unexplain Situation

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Dizzy, May 23, 2023.

  1. #1 Dizzy, May 23, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2023
    Have You Ever Had Someting Weird Or Mysterious Happen You? Like A Paranormal Or Anyting Like That?

    I Will Start Off With Someting That Happen To Me When I Was In My 20s An It Was Me I Was Walkin Too Around The City An It Was Evening Out An We Go By This Abandon Building An I Like Over About 30 Feet Away There Isa IDK What To Call It Really A Demon/Alien/Some Kinda Genetic Experiment Or IDK But It Was Wearing A White Dress Shirt An Toe An Black Pants An Had The Black Slimy Skin An Face Ofa Leech An Also Yellow Eyes An That Close Side Ways. It Was Just Standing There In 1 Spot Staring An Shifting From 1 Foot To The Other An Rollin Its Shoulders Like It Was Gettin Ready For A Fight. I Was Just About To Tell Every1 What I Seen But It Ducked Back Inside The Dark Building An I Thought It Was Way To Creepy So I Didn't Say Noting To Any1 Till Later. Didnt Wanna Have Somebody Say We Should Go In There An Find It. Thats Too Much Like The Beginning Of a Horror Movie.

    Anyways Thats Mine For Now I Hope To Hear Some Others Stories.

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  2. :bolt:
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  3. #3 Dizzy, May 23, 2023
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
    What Lol?

  4. I would have ran
    • Creative Creative x 1
  5. Ya I Felt Like Runnin But Then Everybody Would Be Like WTF You Doin Lol. If It Woulda Came Outta The Door Way I Would Have Been Gone Tho.

  6. upload_2023-5-22_19-47-16.jpeg
    one of my fav movies... I consider it a documentary.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  7. thank heavens we don't have such sensationalistic tenants here in europe ...lol
    as most peeps with past head injuries' would never 'click'
    that the light was poor ' I was ripped' or maybe a hobo wanting a pee? lol

    keep them coming Dizzi
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  8. What That About?

    It Scare Me That It Still Out There Some Where Maybe More Of Them Too. IDK What They Are Tho. Like I Say Above Those My 3 Ideas What It Could Be. Thanks For The Kind Words On Me Tho Vee. :)

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  9. From my memoir, "Adventures in the Luminiferous Aether"

    THE GAMBIA (extract)

    At the bar we found a doctor we knew. He must have been aged about 48. He lived two doors away from us on the same floor (one up from ground level) and worked for the W.H.O., the World Health Organization. Single-handedly he was battling a meningitis outbreak in some villages. Going by what I had experienced at Basse, I could imagine the hellish conditions he’d be working in.

    The doctor left a little while before we did.

    Tim and I finished our drinks, stood up, left the bar, and walked the hundred meters or so to the hotel.

    As we approached the flight of concrete steps that lead to the first floor apartments, I was shocked to see our friend lying in a heap on the steps.

    We ran up.

    At first I thought, ‘perhaps he's had a few too many’.

    I shook his shoulder and tried to rouse him but got no response.

    Becoming really alarmed, I tried to find his pulse.

    I couldn't find his pulse and he didn’t seem to be breathing so we began trying to revive him.

    It was too late. He made a sort of groaning sound but it was just air escaping.

    I guess that he had probably suffered a heart attack. I remember being very angry that such a decent and dedicated person had died so young.

    We alerted the hotel staff, who didn’t seem to know what to do, so then we decided to contact the police ourselves. This proved more difficult than we expected.

    We tracked down the chief of police to a cinema, which stopped the showing and made an announcement. After giving brief statements we went to bed somewhat disturbed.

    Two or three weeks later we were coming back from the same bar in more or less the same circumstances.

    As we approached the stairs I clearly saw him lying there in the same position as we had found him.

    I stopped and looked at Tim. While I was wondering what to say, Tim said, "I can see him, too."

    We walked on, towards the apparition, and as we got nearer, the image, that at first had seemed as solid as a real person, faded.

    We arrived and there was nothing to see. I put my hands down into the place where the image had been and, despite the fact that this was a tropical evening, the air felt icy.

    Previously to this I had always been very sceptical about such matters as ghosts, phantasms, and other such things, and would have assumed that this was some kind of hallucination brought on by delayed shock. However, neither of us could explain why both of us had seen the image. It seemed very improbable that both of us would experience the same delayed stress hallucination in the same way at the same time.

    We did not feel much like discussing what had happened. It seemed best not to talk about it to the management back in England, for obvious reasons. And so we continued living on that floor, as we completed our project, until a few weeks later, we experienced a repeat of the visualization, and then yet another, a few days after that. It got to the point that, if I was returning at dusk or during the evening, I half expected to see him there.

    We found the situation so disturbing that we decided to find another hotel.
    • Creative Creative x 2

  10. Wow That Is Pretty Disturbing NGL. I Totally Believe You Tho An I Always Believe In Paranormal An Supernatural Stuff. That Situation I Talked About Above Wasnt My Only Weird Experience It Just The Strangest. My Momma Thinks I Sensitive to Those Kinda Tings. I Will Say More Later When I Get Times. Thank You For Sharing. That Was In England?

  11. It's about what you are talking about. That movie teaches lots of things.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Oh Ok I Will Have To Check That Out. Thanks It Sound Interesting.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. No, that was in The Gambia, West Africa.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. #14 Dizzy, May 26, 2023
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
    Ohh Ok I Almost Forgot You Lucky Enough That You Been To Africa. Much Respect! That Where My Ancestors From Way Back (Nigeria) My Dad Told Me.

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  15. This Not Paranormal But It Was Cool An Wild. I Remember One Times I Was Ona Beach An A Tire Swing An I Feel Someting Crawl On My Hand Which Was Holding Onto The Chain An I Look Up An It Was A Bubble Bee An I Say OH No BC I Didn't Want It To Sting Me An Kill It Self. So I Stay Really Still An It Slowly Crawl Up My Hand An Then On My Finger An When It Got Off Me An Ona Chain Then I Ran Really Fast Away. I Love Bees They Are 1 If My Fav Insects.


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